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1y ago

My Experience with Klonopin: A Cautionary Tale

I want to share my experience with Klonopin (which I don't take anymore--long post, but I'll keep as brief as possible). I was first prescribed it when I was living in Bismarck, N.D., around 2016-17 and transferred the Rx over with no problem when I moved to Omaha, NE, in 2019. I took it at the same dose and frequency the whole time, never pushed for more or tried to refill early, submitted to the random UA's my docs in both states required without hesitation or complaint. I never sought a high from it, I knew it only as a medication that had worked for some time. Then I moved to Wichita, KS, a year ago, and suddenly I'm being treated like an addict. I realized right away it was not going to be easy to get here, so I was perfectly happy to try other things. However, I was also honest about the fact that these other things weren't working as well, and I would mention the last regimen that did. Still, nope, can't get that, and the way docs were talking to me, it was becoming clear they thought they had an addict on their hands. Which again, I was okay with. I was only "addicted" in that it was a medication I knew to work well, but I do understand the risks with benzos, always have. Then I began having panic attacks out of nowhere. I would go to the hospital (no insurance, so no PCP for a brief time, that's another story), they would give me a large dose of Ativan and maybe send me home with a small Rx for it (another benzo, Klonopin's baby sister basically). When the panic turned into a full-on meltdown, and I decided I needed a couple nights in a facility (voluntary self-commitment), the ER I was staying in until they could find me a bed GAVE ME A KLONOPIN, then sent me off, even giving me a song and dance about how the facility I was going to would probably go ahead and re-start the medication since it clearly worked where other things didn't. The facility had no intention of doing that, and it was very clear it wasn't something they would even have considered. So the ER had given a patient they deemed an addict THE DRUG THEY THOUGHT SHE WAS ADDICTED TO in order to keep me placid while in the ER, then sent me off to flounder. I've been passed from doctor to doctor and treated either with kid gloves or with deceit and vaguery, when treating me like an adult and just telling me straight out what the concerns were would have saved everyone a lot of time and anguish. I was never made fully aware of exactly HOW dangerous benzos can be, I was simply treated as an addict and f***ed around with, when what I really was, was someone with serious mental health issues who had been legitimately prescribed a medication that worked, followed all the rules that went along with it, and was only trying to continue a successful regimen. Has anyone else had a similar experience with benzodiazepines? (I have since stopped seeking or even wanting Klonopin, given the dangers, and have found a new regimen that works).

Your answer



1y ago

I was addicted to Klonopin for about 10 years. At first I was prescribed Xanax after my mother's suicide, I told the doc. that I was sleeping too much on it and they switched me to Klonopin. I was taking 2mg 3x a day in after 1year of taking 1mg 2ce a day at the start! I was also abusing prescribed Adderall. I went to rehab for the amphetamines and they weened me off of the K-pins as well. I see an addition psychiatrist now that piss tests me 1ce a month to make sure that I am staying clean 🫧 he also writes me Buspar and Vistaril for anxiety, both maximum doses 3x a day. They help, and they are both non-narcotic and non-addictive! Trust, they do not feel like a Klonopin, but they take the edge πŸ“΄ I have been able to pick up drinking at night 🍾 to relax, you can't drink 🍻 on benzos and I rarely did. I am happier now, not craving that next K-pin and the meds that I am on keep the panic attacks away. I feel your pain though, it was hard and I was lucky to be in a monitered environment to SLOWLY ween off. I would recommend not going cold πŸ₯Ά turkey πŸ¦ƒ and just start breaking pills into pieces as to avoid a full blown panic attack πŸ˜‰


1y ago

I am very lucky I haven't had this experience often. I had a psychiatrist that prescribed me Klonopin and I switched psychs and there was the new one she told me that was an excessive prescription. I'm like. I've been on it for many many years. Started inpatient and then for years after that. I went from taking 4mg (2mg twice) per day to 1mg (0.5mg twice). Big difference. I was a complete mess. So much panic. Many panic attacks. We fought about it very hard every time I had an appt bc I needed it! And was struggling too hard. So then I get a letter in the mail from her saying that we disagree on meds and that she disagrees with what I wanted and she doesn't want to treat me anymore due to our disagreement and her thinking I want β€œexcessive” doses of Klonopin. It sucked. But I'm glad that happened bc I switched to my current psych who I've had for 7 or 8 years. And she is the absolute best. She gave me the Klonopin I needed and we switched my meds around quite a bit, almost completely different meds. And she has increased doses when I'm symptomatic and has worked with me for many years to get off as many meds as possible. I started at like idk close to 14 (the other Dr wouldn't give me Klonopin but sure gave me a ton of other sht). Btwn her and the one before that when I came to my current psych I was fcked up. I had been in a car accident most likely due to being prescribed an absolutely excessive and dangerous/very high dose of Seroquel & Lithium in addition to the other 12 meds. At least that is what the ER doc said. I am down to 5 meds and most of them at lower dosages. I feel like a person again and for a while I was a zombie. My wife left me due to the zombie thing (also her cheating) she said. That is a long explanation for when I really just wanted to say I understand. Some psychs are dicks and assume they know everything about you when they def don't and won't try to find out. Once you find a good psych, stay there! I am now no longer on Klonopin daily for a couple years. Just for occasional severe panic and for emergencies and sleep every so often. Now a high dosage Prozac helps the anxiety and other and almost everything else. And the hydroxyzine as more of a preventative measure. Which really just keeps the edge off. Benzos can def be dangerous. Especially stopping them cold turkey- it can cause seizures and if you use other substances could be very dangerous. But they are good. I'm glad that you found something that works. I hope that things continue to get better! And that your psych becomes more informed!


1y ago

I've found a good psych now. He wants to try other things, and that's fine. The Rexulti, Pristiq and Trazodone seem to be doing the trick pretty well so far. But he's not treating me like some kind of junkie. He has good reasons for wanting to avoid Klonopin if possible, which he has respectfully explained to me. Which is all I really wanted. It's not even about the particular medication, just respect and sensitivity toward what I'm going through. I'm glad to hear you're doing better as well. 😁


1y ago

I have not taken Klonopin myself, but my sister has. She has had the same type of treatment. She went from a big city where she started on it with success to a smaller city, which was known for drug seekers, and NO Dr would prescribe it for her. Treated her like a drug seeker in every way. Their tone of voice, actions toward her and even talking about her loudly outside the curtain/room. It is atrocious how people with chronic conditions are treated. I am glad you have found a regimen that is working for you. I am sorry for how you have been treated by so-called professionals. So much for the whole "do no harm" oath they take. Emotional harm is just as important as physical harm.


1y ago

Right? Here in Kansas, it's a "we don't prescribe that, and if you take or request it, you're an addict" policy. For me, there wasn't even a high to be had, so I never really thought about it as a dangerous or potentially addictive drug until this last move. It was just the medication I happened to take.


1y ago

I haven't taken that, so I can't relate. But, have you requested gene site testing? It's a DNA test to see what type of meds would work best. If it turns out that genetically, that medication is your best choice for wellness, I would think that they would be more inclined to Rx. But that's just a guess.


1y ago

I second the gene testing!


1y ago

Hi there! I've been in the same situation. When living in Austin, Texas, I was prescribed klonopin by a psychiatrist and it worked great for my anxiety. I'd tried other things for anxiety that weren't "addictive", but none of them worked. Then I moved up to Michigan 2 years ago. Everything changed here. No one wants to prescribe anything that has the slim appearance of being addictive whether it's for pain or my anxiety. I'm not looking to feed any addiction, as I've always taken my meds as prescribed for years and never had issues with my doctor back in Texas. I'm still trying to work it all out up here. They seem to avoid directly treating my anxiety, by trying out different antidepressants. It's a spin the wheel & see what works, even though they have my previous records to show what worked previously. It's a flawed system for those of us who aren't looking to get "high" from our meds. I guess Dr's are considerably more careful after a few bad apples. I'm glad you've now got a regimen that works for you.


1y ago

Exactly! This is exactly the situation I found myself in, to a T. I am on a routine that seems effective now, though it took an agonizing 5 weeks to kick in. With crippling anxiety, that's an eternity. I hope you can find that too--maybe consider Rexulti and/or Pristiq if you haven't yet? Both are expensive, and even desvenlafaxin (Pristiq's generic) is pretty pricy, but Rexulti offers a savings plan that works well in tandem with insurance. Honestly, if offered Klonopin again, I would probably take it, even given the risks.

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