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Updated 11mo ago

Help! My Morning Routine is Driving Me Crazy!

does anyone else have to do things a certain way? like I have to get ready the same way every day. I have to wash my hands before I pull my hair up to take a shower, then I brush my teeth the same way, wash and dry the same way. blow my nose the same way. like every little, tiny detail of my morning routine is the same way every single day. and if it's not, if it gets disturbed, I get irritated or upset, or feel like I forgot to do something or my house will burn down (seriously, I think that I left the stove on 6 times a week) please help lol 😂

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hi! i get like this a lot too, sounds a lot like OCD or OCD tendencies which i have OCD lol. it’s something to maybe bring up to a therapist or doc. i have to do the things the same way no matter what and if this gets ruined i have breakdowns. it’s such a sucky thing. know you’re not alone and this is normal for people with anxiety disorders.



this usually falls under our sense of needing stability, I know my behaviors for somethings are similar to this aspect and falls in hand with my ADHD as well. I would definitely consult a medical professional that way you can be accurately diagnosed and treated to feel better!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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