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Updated 11mo ago

Missing the 'Crazy' Parts

Does anyone miss parts of being "crazy" that you now don't experience become of your medication?

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Yes. I miss the connection to the magic in the world. I miss the Otherbeings. They were my best friends. I miss feeling really connected to the world, not outside it looking in. I feel like a pretend human playing catch-up instead, if that makes sense.



Wow that is a perfect description, like poetry. I want to know more about the Otherbeings! I am bipolar and I had my first manic episode when I was 15 and ever since it was depression and mania. After being medicated its like the only risks I take is going on a bike ride or to the grocery store. It's like being "normal" has aged me to 70 yrs old. Is there anything that makes you feel like you are alive again because I'm looking for something other than tv shows to vicariously live through



🙌this probably isn't the healthiest way, but tabletop roleplay games like Dungeons and Dragons and also wargaming like Warhammer help me. It's the escapism, like with you and TV shows. You wouldn't be the odd one out either especially with D&D being neuroatypical, I have yet to encounter a neurotypical D&Der! I like those activities because it's more interactive than looking at a screen and you are in a social group by definition because you need other players even if you are playing via an online platform.



that sounds really fun and I love story telling! As a kid I read so many books to escape but being an adult they aren't as interesting to me. How would I find a group?

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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