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Updated 11mo ago

Migraine Hell: When Nothing Helps

On day 3 of my migraine. Nothing is helping. Sometimes I wish I could lift open my scalp, take some lavender or eucalyptus oil and get my fingers inside and just massage out all the pounding and pressure all around my brain, the base of my neck, behind my eyeballs, along my sinus cavity, my jaw... OMG that would be amazing right now!!! I hate migraines!!!

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When they go passed a few days I go to instacare and get a shot in my booty to get them on their way.



I didn't even know that was a thing!! What is the name of this wonderful creation?!?



Do you have a plan with the proper meds? We call it our tool kit. My neuros at Jefferson Headache make sure I know when and how to take each med including DHE injections with 2 other meds for 3 days which is called a bridge then wait a day a inject torodol if the migraine didn’t break. I also have meds for nausea. Make sure you stay hydrated. I rarely have to go to the ER because I have what I need at home. Is your neurologist a headache specialist? Just asking because it’s important you have an at home plan. I have a migraine that settles in my left ear and jaw so I do wear an ice hat to bed every night but when the migraine is unbearable I have a plan that works. I have a team at Jefferson Headache Clinic and they are amazing with guidance. There are also some very good podcasts especially on I wish you all the best because I chronic migraine is no joke. Make sure you educate yourself so you completely understand what meds you are taking and why. Let me know if I can help you. I’m in no way a doctor but I can offer some advice if you need it.



thank you so much! We've tried so many different meds and finally Topamax seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately I'm allergic to Toradol and the others I've tried didn't do much of anything. I take Topamax daily as a preventative measure and it's reduced my migraines from 2 weeks out of the month down to 3 to 5 days out of the month so I'm thankful for the progress for sure but when they come on, I'm down for days. I have been alternating between massage and ice packs. Definitely been hydrating, resting and staying away from triggers. Anytime I feel a twinge or get any sense that one is coming on I go into prevention mode but this one beat me. I've been seeing a Chiropractor for the past month and a half which has helped tremendously with my headaches and other issues I'm dealing with, but unfortunately I missed my appointment this past week so that could have brought this one on. I am not sure if my nuero is a headache specialist. She just kinda played guess which medicine does the trick and sent me on my way. I will check out the podcasts and see if Ive got a place near me like your Jefferson Headache. Thank you so much!! Hoping tomorrow will be a better day.



Massage therapy also helps get rid of the tight muscles that can trigger one or make it worse. I've gone in with one a 5-6 on the pain scale and leave with it at a 2-3. Caffeine helps some. A cup of coffee or a diet coke usually helps mine. I also drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. My dr said magnesium helps and you can take it daily. The instacare places here don't have tornado anymore, at least the ones I go to. But it was wonderful when I got it! Go e in 20 minutes! Hope you get rid of it soon!



yes I love massages!! They definitely help but it doesn't take away all of the pressure. I have a neck massager that I'm currently using. I also go to a Chiropractor twice a week. Caffeine definitely helps me but usually once they've started there is no turning back. Kinda gotta ride the wave.



Have you ever tried Maxalt, the generic name is rizatriptan

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