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Updated 10mo ago

Mental Illnesses in Alters: What Else is Possible?

What kind of mental illnesses/disorders can an alter have that the host or rest of the system doesn't have? I know alters can have anxiety or depression, but what are some other ones?

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As far as I know, any conditions that don’t have to do with your physical biology/can appear anytime in your life due to experiences can be alter specific. For illnesses/disorders that are biologically specific though, it’s usually thought that every alter will have it but might still experience it in different ways. For example, we as a system have ADHD and one of our alters is known for constantly stimming in very noticeable ways while some others don’t and so it might seem like only that one alter has the issue when in reality everyone shows different symptoms of the same problem in different ways.



Thank you for the explanation! :)






We're an autistic system, so we all have ASD, but we all experience it in different ways. We learned very young how to mask, and our host has only recently began to work on unmasking. Some alters mask really well and don't heavily relate to the symptoms of ASD, while others do a lot more. Some alters don't understand tone very well while others do, some don't understand social situations while others do. It completely depends. I'm not really sure about other disorders, but I thought I'd share our experience in hopes of being helpful in some way -Emma <3






I've heard of some people's alters having personality disorders that other alters don't. Like ASPD or NPD. Personally we don't have mental disorders separate from each other. (other than our ADHD being kinda chopped up. Some experience more hyperactivity while others experience more hypersensitivity) However, we do have some "physical" differences that are actually just psychosomatic issues. One alter is severely lactose intolerant while the rest of us aren't. Like severe. There's an alter with a different glasses prescription as well. (They are farsighted, the rest of us are nearsighted.) Some alters also have psychosomatic pain that the rest of us don't feel. Like April was around a lot in our teen years when we had braces and were getting them tightened frequently. Even now when she cofronts with me my teeth will hurt as if I have braces. (Inner world she does have braces as well) Some child alters (ones with trauma) have pains in various parts of their body that will manifest anytime they front or cofront. The brain is a crazy thing

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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