I'm doing well!! It's a bit difficult to get your setting just right. However, when your stimulator is placed, you receive a small handheld remote control. With the remote control, you can check if your stimulator is needing to be charged. You can also increase or decrease the stimulator according to your needs. The process of placing your stimulator is a two step process. I went to a same-day surgical center in a hospital. A general anesthesia is used to put you to sleep. The doctor places a tiny wire and it is threaded down to your sacral nerve. Then the regulator for the stimulator and all the wires are sealed inside a plastic shield that is taped to your back. You wake up and go home. You are given instructions on the remote control and how to use it. Throughout the following days you are able to turn the stim. up or down. You can feel the changes you make. I feel mine rectally. You can shower as usual but no baths. If you feel like the stim. is helping, then a week later, you go back to the surgical center and everything that was attached to your back is then implanted into your upper buttock area. You wake up and go home. I was given access to a representative from the company (mine was Axonics). He or she can then answer any questions you may have and they're always available through your phone. You are a bit sore after the second procedure until your upper buttock heals. I was given pain medication. I am doing well with mine. I feel great and I've returned to all my regular activities. The really great thing I like is that I don't need it removed if I later need an MRI for some unrelated issue. That is one of the reasons I like the Axonics System so well. Go to YouTube, and search Axonics sacral nerve stimulators. They will likely give you more info. I also recommend doing a Google search. This will help answer any remaining questions you might have. It will also help you find a Doctor in your area that is familiar with this procedure.