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2y ago

Need help managing my type 2 diabetes

I just found out I have diabetes type 2 and I have no idea where to start. I snack a lot on junk food and sweets. I don't know how much sugar or carbs are too much. Any tips?

Your answer



1y ago

It’s a struggle every day


1y ago

I try not to eat too much crap I go to the gym losing weight is very good for diabetes


1y ago

I just cut all the sweets Out


1y ago

I have diabetes to also


2y ago

Talk to your dr about taking mounjaro There is a support group on Facebook do a search. It’s been lifesaving for me and I’ve lost 10 lbs in a week


2y ago

For me I try to avoid eating fast food like McDonald's and Burger King. I try to cook meals as much as possible. Fresh veggies and fruit just don't over do it on the fruit. I finally got the Dexcom 6 continuous glucose monitor ( CGM) and it helps to know what causes spikes and Lowes in my blood sugar.


2y ago

Sugar-free candy you can't eat as much as you want because it has my little in it which gives you diarrhea you have to eat sugar-free candy in moderation so much more smaller doses than normal sugar sugar doesn't have any side effects except for slowly killing you and my little or Xylitol or sorbitol will give you diarrhea real bad


2y ago

I would check your sugar levels before every meal. Eat consistently and if possible at the same time everyday, Do not go more than about 5-6 hours without eating. Take your medications at the same time everyday if possible. Be careful not to take your medicine took early before a meal, make sure if you can't take your meds with food you go no more than about 30 minutes without eating. I recommend meal prepping, check out some recipes you like and just meal prep. Stay within your carb limits, but if you plan to exercise heavily remember to eat a little more than your limit. Staying hydrated is super important ans honestly listen to your body kind of figure out what your tells are for high or low levels. I know it feels overwhelming and I know I threw a lot of information at you. This is everything I wish I knew so I am passing it along. It's going to be okay, eventually it will become more natural and second nature to you. You will become entune with your body and it won't be so daunting!


1y ago

thanks, it lightened my anxiety obout what I can eat, what I can't eat and started taking it easy and just learn, learn, learn.


2y ago

When you're a diabetic, you have to stop eating those sweets! Instead find snacks that are high in protein and lower in sugar. Also there are vegetable snacks you can have. Most raw vegetables are a free food and you can eat it as often as you wish. The more natural the food is the better it is for you. Sweets like fruits and berries are not as hurtful for a diabetic then cookies, cakes and the like. Examine as many healthy food snacks that you can and I know you can find snacks that you like that will replace the sugary snacks. I love pretzels when I want something salty. When I want something sweet, I eat a lot of berries like strawberries and blueberries. Those are just a few examples I wanted to share with you. Trust me! There are a lot better snacks out there then the snacks you buy already made, packed with sugar and preservatives! The more natural the food is, the better it is for you!


2y ago

I was just diagnosed with diabetes today. They said my ac1 was 10. I am super scared and have no idea what to do. She prescribed me metformine twice a day but I don't really want to take medicine. Can someone help me, has anyone been able to reverse their ac1 if so please tell me how.


2y ago

my a1c was 11 in May of last year when I got diagnosed. I lost a lot of weight due to walking over 20,000 steps a day for a week, cutting out all sugar, soda and dieting. By that August my a1c was down to 5.5. I do struggle to keep stable sugars still, though, they don't go over 180


2y ago

yes, I did. I was 9.4 and in 2 months dropped it to 5.6. I don't recommend the med. I would switch to a low carb diet, but not Keto. I can totally help you. Reach out anytime. Please don't be scared. We can reverse this.


2y ago

My insurance covered seeing a dietitian and she has been extremely helpful. If you can I would HIGHLY recommend seeing one! She did more than give me ideas on what to eat but really help me understand how certain foods, stress and exercise will affect me. I lost almost 40 lbs and was able to get a muuuch better handle on things with her help!


2y ago

These are all great ideas and more than I've got from any dr. Thanks everyone!!!


2y ago

Keep a salad in the fridge and eat one daily. It helps


2y ago

You might need to meet with a nutritionist.


2y ago

Whole wheat tortillas, spinach wrap tortillas


2y ago

High protein foods, also herbal life has some great diabetic friendly shakes ,


2y ago

yes! These shake shoppes have been great for me


2y ago

I limit myself to 1 piece of whole grain bread


2y ago

I eat whole grains, fruits ,veggies, drink water , produce like chicken turkey ,fish salmon , green veggies,


2y ago



2y ago

Pork ,high in salt foods,


2y ago

Well the processed sugars , starchy foods like pasta, junky sweets,


2y ago

also I had to basically arm wrestle my doctor and my pharmacy into getting me a glucose monitor- had to call them 4-5 times I even made an appointment. buti finally got it like two weeks later, so good luck with that too hopefully your doctor isn't like mine 😩


2y ago

I had to buy a cheap one from Walmart...


2y ago

for a diabetic the sugar intake limit is 24, for a person without diabetes its 75. if you look on the back of things that contain sugar you'll be surprised at how much sugar you'll find in stuff. like a regular soda normal sized could have like 80 grams of sugar. I've been sticking to the 24 limit since i found out I have type two diabetes and it's been hard but I've found that the sugar free things have really helped, so definitely try that, and exercise is key. avoiding carbs will be hard but it's a must 😩 that's basically all I used to eat before I got diagnosed, but now i drink smoothies every day with veggies and fruit, protein powder, other supplements as well (I'd do research for whatever you might wanna do if that's something you'd like to do) I eat salads a lot cuz is just something i like I add cheese or nuts and maybe fish or chicken sometimes, there are so many possibilities, healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or unappetizing! good luck~


2y ago

Do research.


2y ago

Low carb but not Keto. Ketosis isn't good for diabetics. I have so many recipes I can share with you. I reversed mine and have never taken medicine for it. Feel free to message me. I will explain about carbs, fiber, sugar alcohols, etc.


2w ago

could you help me? I've been recently diagnosed and I don't know where to start xx


2y ago

Eat like a rabbit… more often but small amounts. Stay away from junk foods… and sugar. Diet sodas are not good because of the artificial sugars. Natural drinks are better. Eat less carbohydrates… but eat Lean meats, fruits, vegetables and foods with less preservatives… if it comes in a box it has preservatives and added chemicals. No extremes but eat from the ground and avoid processed foods as much as possible. You will live healthier and longer with less complications


2y ago

Yeah try to get low carb items. I eat cheese, bacon, meat mostly since no carbs. Cauliflower rice is good. I know it's really hard to cut back on stuff you love.


2y ago

Since I haven't figured out how to cut out bread/tortillas I got for the low carb / keto options. I drink a ton of water. The colder the better for me. Gatorade has a new line of sugar free flavored water that are really good. So far I have only found them at the local gas stations though. Um another alternative to soda type drinks is called True Lemon and another one called True Lime. They are powder packets that you add to bottled water. Even my 5 year old likes them. When I am snacky I eat cheese sticks or those cheese and cracker things that include some kind of nut. One of our local gas stations sells their own ice cream and they make a no sugar added chocolate chip. Not my favorite but does help with the ice cream cravings. I only eat a few spoonfuls at a time and then walk away.


2y ago

did you know Mission makes low carb tortillas? They're amazing.


2y ago

I like Mayas recommendations. Try Adding some veggies in too. For instance if I am craving salty. Sometimes (not always) I skip the chips and have cucumbers with a little seasoned salt. Google healthy diabetic snacks. There are tons of ideas you just have to find what you like. I also like celery, cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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