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Updated 10mo ago

Managing SI Joint Pain: Tips and Tricks

How do you deal with SI Joint pain in your daily life?

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I was in my 3rd t-boning (totaled all 3 times, hit the passenger wheel well all 3 times, the offender was over 40mph the last 2 times — 2005, 2008, 2021). Last June, every one of my 2018's airbags went off. My lifelong SI pain had gotten worse and worse each time but after 3 months of chiropractic this time, I learned that 1) the chiro is BS only meant to perpetuate the current legal system/insurance corporations' partnership, and 2) it seems to be impossibly difficult to get anyone to instruct me how to strengthen lower back muscles and how to alleviate iliac crest pain. Would love advice/tips/resources.



I've had SI joint issues so bad the pain never ended. I've had 2 SI nerve ablation. First one Feb 2018. What a relief and blessing. Then my 2nd was Oct 2020. Not sure what's next but I feel the nerves have grown back again. I do think the quality of your Ortho Surgeon makes a huge difference. Mine is tops in his field. I wouldn't let just any Dr do it.



Gidgetmom—any advice on sourcing or researching who should qualify as "qualified?" Like, points or accredations to look for? Policies of their hospital/clinic? Attitude from their lips? Reviews somewhere specific that isn't owned by the Conglomeration Formerly Known As Facebook? 💕



Thank you DobbyCat, the validation in confirmation is real ♡

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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