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Updated 10mo ago

Need advice on managing panic attacks

I have extreme panic attacks frequently and have been on Prozac but have had horrible side effects. I've been wanting to try Xanax but my psychiatrist is refusing to put me on it and I don't know what to do :/

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Hey soft_deity, I started to suffer from panic attacks 5 years ago. I started with Prozac which is a pretty old drug with a wide range of side effects, especially in the first weeks. Most of the side effects should go away soon, but if you keep suffering, there’s a lot of other SSRIs that might be better for you. Xanax is a drug that could be addictive, and my psychiatrist tries to avoid giving it too.



I had been on prozac for like 3 years. My psychiatrist never told me any of the side effects and when I reported stuff, he blamed it on my life style.



Prozac has side effect at least for me . im on xanax as well . the prozac helps my depression the xanax helps when i have a panic attack . but yes xanax is addictive so be careful if they do give it to you . it knocks me on my butt if i have to take it and im on a super low does.



Have you asked him or tried another drug? The thing that helped me in addition to meds was CBT. Have you considered it?

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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