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Updated 10mo ago

Managing Anxiety and Panic: Tips and Tricks

what's the best way to handle anxiety and panic

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Dipping your face in ice water, chilling or napping with a weighted blanket, getting someone to give you a nice tight hug, making close friends aware of what you’re going through so you can have support and doing what your heart really wants to do sometimes



if you are talking about immediate, i find that (as basic as it sounds) counting really helps. it sort of grounds you when you can’t seem to focus. i count out loud to keep my brain focused on counting and counting only. the other thing i do is drive. unless you get anxiety while driving, then i feel this is a great option. i blast music and roll the windows down. it’s a really great distraction.



Get aware of your surroundings. I use the 54321 method. It goes through all of your senses. 5 things you can see (wall, dot on the floor, clock, etc), four things you can touch (shirt sleeve, necklace, wall, ring. PS for the ring get the anxiety ring I found it on tiktok and got it for Christmas and wear it everyday bc you can fidget with it), three things you can smell (perfume/ cologne, minty gum which helps with taste too, etc.) Two things you can hear (music, clock ticking, ppl talking, etc.) And one things you can taste (gum or mints). I also put a dot sticker on my phone and on my headphones case so if I get overwhelmed I just focus on that and the whole world disappears. And sometimes it's good to find a friend and vent to them. I've been in the middle of a panic attack and have cried and my friend caught my arm and helped me get through it



Biting into a lemon helps



A blast of fresh air. I've gone for walks at 3 in the morning.



I hold my cat if I’m at home. She’s my mental Illness pet

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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