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Updated 11mo ago

Link between Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia?

Has anyone noticed a link between Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia? I was treated for Lyme disease back in 2011, when I was 12. They told me a simple dose of antibiotics(I believe childs amoxicillin?) would get rid of the Lyme. A month later my symptoms came back, I wasn’t treated anymore, and the symptoms faded away. But a few months later my Fibromyalgia symptoms kicked in, and I was diagnosed with it a few years later. I’ve always wondered if there was a link between the two, especially after reading more about peoples experiences with Lyme. I’ve been tested a few times since for the Lyme and it always comes back dormant. Maybe they were both separate occurrences, I figured I’d see if anyone else has any insight!

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My journey with fibromyalgia also started with Lyme. Within a couple years I had Lyme, pneumonia, shingles and mono all before I was 20. I developed chronic fatigue first. And after the complications during the birth of my son, I started experiencing the widespread pain. I've been told a couple of different reasons for this. My cardiologist thinks it has to do with the antibiotics affecting the bacteria in the gut. My pain specialist is more of the opinion that the body fight against all of the things followed by the trauma triggered Central Sensitization Disorder. The other thing is if Lyme is not treated correctly you can develop chronic Lyme. I would recommend finding a doctor that can test and treat it.



That all makes a lot of sense! Thank you for your insight, I’m sorry you dealt with so much!



I have seen articles, studies, linking Lymes with autoimmune. if it isnt completely killed with antibiotic, it stays chronic. Ive seen that long term antibiotic treatment (like a year) can work, but good luck finding any doctor that will actually risk doing that. I have an inlaw who sees holistic doctors for hers. sone success. I think there's a lot more for them to learn about the connection before veing useful. Personally, i believe some of us are predisposed to autoimmune and Lymes, similar to cancer.



Yeah! I question if I was treated properly, the doctor barely knew what Lyme was! I’m glad Lyme is much more well known now, and hopefully people are being treated more thoroughly for it! I definitely believe some people are predisposed for autoimmune problems, my sister has similar autoimmune problems.

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