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Updated 10mo ago

Living with Chronic Pain: Coping Strategies Needed

Hi, I am trying to live with multiple health issues and chronic pain. Suggestions for how to cope?

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Hi. I'm happy to say. I'm doing better than I have for a long time. I have found that cyclobenzaprine plus an 8hr Tylenol arthritis 1300mg has got me sleeping without pain. I can't take any other nsaids. My IBS is better than its ever been. I'm on an autoimmune protocol diet. No gluten. No dairy. And low sugar. Every diet I've ever tried has been all about eating salads and raw vegetables. I can't tolerate them. So I eat them only cooked. I knew a long time ago that if my stomach hurt my Fibromyalgia would just compound it. RA was just that much more pain. I finally got the insurance to cover the Orencia. I found a functional medicine Dr who has helped me with testing and amino acid supplements. I'm so much better than just a year ago. Coping is a journey and you have to keep advocating for yourself.



Agreed. Get sleep. It is the most critical. Then focus on getting as much exercise as you can, when you can. Physical therapy focusing on eye movements brought my 3 migraines a day (post mastectomy) back down to just 1 a day. Heaven comparitively.



hi! I’m in the same boat. I have some suggestions and would love to bounce some ideas off of each other. Message me :)



Me to have you talked to your doctor about finding something to help. I’m on medical marijuana and it helps with pain a little bit . Hope you feel better.



Say no sometimes. Setting boundaries is crucial to your health, both mental and physical. Listen to your body, and don't let anyone tell you they know your body better than you do. Hope this helps❤️



I had the most help from a pain management program where you learn how to help your brain learn how to help you. I cantvquite explain how it works, but I can tell you it helped me learn how to attack the pain rather than let it take me over. I cannot take ANY pain pills, not even tramodol which the least of the narcotics. Hope it helps you!🙏

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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