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Updated 11mo ago

Living with C-PTSD and ADHD: My Struggles and Hopes

Hello everybody, I'm new to the group and looking forward to talking with others who understand the struggles we face living daily with the problems we have to deal with. I've lived my whole life trying to figure out what was wrong with me. My mind was scrambled most of the time. I basically grew up in survival mode (C-PTSD) with no real ability to control my focused attention (ADD/ADHD). The one positive from all that I've been through is how much I've learned about overcoming the difficulties I've faced. I wish I could say I live a normal life now, but honestly I still don't know what normal is. I've been working on writing a book, developing a website and starting an inner peace coaching practice for years where I can help others who struggle as I have, but it still feels like I have my feet tied together and one arm tied behind my back. I'm really hoping to find others here on this app that are interested in sharing ideas to better understand and overcome these difficulties we face as well as being supportive of each other as we battle our way through each day. Never give up because there is hope! I still believe everything will be ok... someday!

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Hang in there! There are a lot of people who can relate! And you can do anything! 🫶🏽

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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