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Updated 10mo ago

Living with Bipolar: Can Manic/Depressive Episodes Stop?

wondering if anyone with bipolar has just eventually stopped having manic/depressive episodes... I haven't had one in almost 4 years and I haven't been on meds since nov. 2020 because I found out I was pregnant. my psychologist dont want to have me start my meds again seeing its been so long since ive had an episode. I started having episodes at the age of 12 and it just progressively got worse and worse. Ive gone since the age of 15 thinking I was going to live with this my whole life. and I just dont want to get my hopes up thinking I could be "cured" and then q year down the road destroy my life again because of mania

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I can sense and so can my husband sense an upcoming of a episode with a stress trigger. I have been told it is not curable but can be dormant for weeks months even years but it's still possible to have an episode . I haven't had manic episodes since 2016 but I suffer on occasion from insomnia, depression and anxiety attacks making it feel impossible to function the next day. I took my medication throughout pregnancy bc my psychiatrist said the risk of my health could lead to risk of more complications. I haven't been off meds 6 years now trying to go off them is brutal. How did you manage??

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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