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Updated 10mo ago

Living with AVN and Multiple Fractures

Hey! I’m Emily. I’ve had AVN since 2005, bilateral hip and knee replacements, also fell in 2019 and fractured my right femur, fell again in 2020 and broke my left femur which splintered into 7 pieces so I have a claw plate in the left leg. I’m also really bad at introductory stuff, in case you hadn’t noticed.

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Hey Emily I’m Matt. I broke my hip in a car accident, and suffered from AVN afterwards.



Hey, Matt. I’m very sorry to hear that. Are you doing ok now? Has it spread or was it just in the hip?



I broke my right (hip) femoral neck while bowling. At age 42, my Dr repaired it with hardware rather a full replacement. I had been gingerly getting g around on it for a couple of weeks thinking I had pulled a hamstring muscle. The consequence of this was damage to both ends of the break causing AVN in that area It required a second surgery about a year later to add another screw/plate and do a bone-graft. The AVN is still in that area but it has not spread from the original injury but my Dr is now recommending a total hip replacement which I will consider when I am fully recovered from the Reverse Shoulder replacement

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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