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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for Jobs for Severely Mentally Ill People

Looking for advice/experience! Does anyone know of any jobs that are good for severely mentally ill people? I don’t function very well in a normal work environment but have really struggled finding jobs/job programs for people like me. Does anyone have any experience with this? (P.S. please no “suck it up and get a normal job” comments, they aren’t helpful.)

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I cannot work because of disability but I have been able to do some freelancing on occasion, if you have skills that might be useful in this department (art, writing, and many more) you might find some income that way



social media manager for big companies! most of the time its remote and you dont have to work with people



I’m not sure the severity of your mental illness, but I suffer from anxiety and depression, and having OI doesn’t help when it comes to working either. I have been teleworking full time the last couple of years and that helps A LOT with work. It’s not easy, but if you can find a job that offers full time work from home, this can really accommodate a lot of the struggle of working with a disability.



I have only had one job before and it was helping my friends mother at her law firm. It was clerical work. I was getting very sick at the time and going down hill and eventually I ended up on SSI. That’s probably not much help. But if you can work I applaud that, and good for you. But if you can’t and you need help no shame in it at all if you need it.



The Goodwill,if you have a worker have them help you get into Stop and Shop to bag or stalk the shelves.



I work at a locally owned restaurant/store and go to church with most of the people who work there including the owners. I’d find a job that has a lot of people you get along with who can provide support. I’ve never had a job that was as supportive as these people. It’s definitely still super hard. I’ve never had a lot of support before until finding this church so I understand if you don’t have a lot of people who work in one place but if you do I definitely recommend trying it. If it doesn’t work out you could always find something different. Also I would find a place with a positive work environment

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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