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Updated 10mo ago

Recently Diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer - Seeking Support

Hello and hope you're being heard! I was just diagnosed with invasive (non estrogen receptive) breast cancer. I'm sorry if that's wrongly stated. I have been having pain and itching since they poke this bear (biopsy/mammo. 6/07/22) I have fibromyalgia and been compartmentalizing pain for 22 yrs. (56) I have been caring for my dad (stroke) 4/21/21, during the investigation of this diagnosis. I know this isn't biopsy pain too long ago now. All literature says no real pain unless inflammatory BC. I have had 3 of 5 diagnostic tests, no mets. Oncology on the 6/30, Chemo for approximately 6 months. Then double mastectomy. Familiar to anyone? Thank you much!

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6/7 to 6/25 is not too long for biopsy pain. My first breast cancer, it was only a needle aspiration and that one felt fine right away (but it was also much less reliable and was WRONG). This time around, it was a core biopsy and it was significant diameter. I had it in early Jan and it still hurt and was not very visible when i had my double mastectomy in early February.



Was very visible



Chemo first is typically for larger tumors. Trying to prevent spreading and also shrinks it for better surgical outcome.



My double mastectomy was now 2 years ago. I have had significant AWS (lymphatic cording). But on the plus side, it is typically less than the everyday breast pain that i used to have. No more dreading the pain of getting cold getting out of the shower, etc.



Thank you. Your response is deeply appreciated. You understand weekend's are tough If I may, My pain isn't specific to the incision. It's not even specific to the location of the tumor. Widespread and like a toothache slow and steady at times. Or sharp (take your breath away) sporadic pains. And I forget to initially mention, more prevalent in the late afternoon and throughout the evening. The itching is otherworldly. However, I think that's because of the dimpling and other physical changes. If you don't mind taking about reconstruction decisions. No rush as I am trying to adult the hell out of it this time. One event per week...self care. Lol I wish calm days and your complications mitigated. Ty



hi, I hope you're doing OK. Not sure if you're still suffering but wondered if you'd considered it might be nerve pain? Wishing you well



Sorry i havent been on much and that i miss things when i am. Just checking on how it is going?

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