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Updated 11mo ago

Tips for Coping with Insomnia

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Haven't found how to yet but I'm trying to go to sleep earlier? Not sure if it'll help or if I'll even be able to do so.



Sleep mediations on the Calm app have really helped me! Also, medications and good sleep habits in general, like following a routine and avoiding blue light for an hour before bed :)



I try to notice when I’m overthinking or trying too hard to fall asleep and in those moments I’ll turn on either some calming music, a sleep podcast / meditation or if it’s still pretty early I might read a book for 10-20 minutes and that usually helps. I also keep s blue light screen protector on my phone and turn on the blue light mode after 8pm, since I’m on it basically all day.



I ’ve read into a method the army uses to sleep in minutes. I don’t focus on breathing at all because it causes effort to me. I try to relax my body and and relax my shoulders arms laying up by my sides picking on finger up and down then I think of my waist. My theighs, my knees, shins, ankles feet. I wiggle each toe one by one. I close my eyes and think the word black I continue to say the word black. To focus on my eyes being closed and just seeing black. When I have thoughts run thru my head I think I’ll deal with this in the morning. As much anxiety as I’ll have tomorrow I’m lucky to have this moment to close my eyes and say the word black. nothing matters now that I’m in my bed. That my eyes are closed. Because that in itself is a breathe for my mind. In this moment nothing matters. It’ll matter in the morning and it’ll suck. But right now I’m lucky because it’s black. I have no control over my fears or situation or duties but right now my job is to remember my job is to think black and it’s scary. to let go of the fear and anxiety. But remember in this moment ur job and task is to sleep. nothing can change. but tomorrow it may be hard. be ok that whatever is going on could suck and it could be hard but right now the job is to sleep. not sure if this helps or made sense.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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