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Updated 10mo ago

Strange Eating Habits Despite Feeling Full

Hi fellow IBS sufferers. I've noticed something strange about my eating habits. Despite always feeling bloated and full after eating a big meal, especially dinner, for some reason my brain still thinks I'm hungry and I want to keep eating and snacking (especially on carbs/sugar) even though I already feel full and carbs/sugar are the worst possible thing I could eat. It's like the wiring between my brain and my gut is completely messed up and one thinks I'm full and the other is still hungry. Anyone else experience this?

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Im hungry ALL the time. No matter how much I eat or dont.



I used to be like that too. You can't control yourself, it's impossible.



Yes I used to have a binge eating disorder and would be hungry ALL OF THE TIME. Not healthy and food was all I could think about. Now I have a appetite suppressant and an healthy and arnt hungry all the time.



I’m also hungry all the time. I try to limit myself but it’s difficult. Emotional eating is also a issue for me too.



I've experienced that before, it's probably your brain craving quick sources of dopamine because you don't feel well, even though you don't feel well because of what/how much you ate



If you have IBS, there's a good chance that your constant symptoms and sugar cravings could be SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). It is fairly common in long-term sufferers of IBS. I was diagnosed and treated less than a year ago. When we have crazy gut symptoms for so long, bacteria can begin to spread and travel to the small intestine, causing sugar cravings so that the bacteria can feed and grow, bloating, gas, malabsorption, and the list goes on. It can be diagnosed with a breath test, and you simply take antibiotics for a week or so to help it.



Hmm, I did suspect it might be SIBO. I actually recently had a fecal matter transplant done instead of taking antibiotics, so I'm really hoping that that will also help the bacterial imbalance.



I am not hungry, I suffer from IBS-D and C. I sway for long times, months. If I eat before 11 am hungry every 3-4 hours. If I eat at 2 pm I eat at 6pm and have a snack at 9pm (carbs). My weight hasn’t changed for four years. My Dr wants me at this weight. I also have 3 autoimmune diseases. I need a little extra for illness. I am apple shaped. I was 20 lbs lighter 20 years ago. I am on the last no. Of BMI ok. I am fighting constipation now and cannot afford Linzess which works. So 3 prunes in the morn. The Emma pills and I am doing great. I drink 64 oz of water, gatorade, ice tea and coffee because of my dry mouth. I use Stevia and allow myself watered down gatorade once a day. Drinking a lot is one thing that helps control my hunger. I have been this way for 40 years.



I get that feeling. SIBO as another suggested causes sugar carb cravings, as does Candida overgrowth and parasitic infections. You may also not be eating a balanced mix of macronutrients for your body, which can cause cravings.



I have the overgrowth problem as well. Hard to drink enough water. I drink homemade ice tea and still not enough. Maybe 52 oz per day. Seems to be helpful. Miralax daily. They think it’s a motility problem from past surgery

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