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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for Humira users' feedback

Has anyone started Humira? and how did you all like it? any side effects?

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I was on it a few years ago. My side effects were fogginess, a slight fever on injection day. I also felt tired and slept a lot right after taking it. I came off of it because it aggravated my nerve pain and made it worse. But it was working for my Crohn’s. It’s just that I have so many health issues, that working together my doctors agreed we had to try something else. I’m currently on Stelara. Best wishes to you. 🙏



It worked well for me! I currently not taking it due to insurance issues, but when i was on it, it was nice. After injecting i would feel pretty much normal aside from a little soreness around the injection site. It does take a while for the full effect, though. It took me 6 months to start seeing the full effects. As soon as I get my insurance issues sorted out, I'm going to try being back on Humira. Best of luck to you and if you have any additional questions for me about my experience feel free to ask!



I’m taking it now for R. A. No noticeable side effects. My ex is also taking it for Crohn’s. It was working well for him with no side effects, the last time I talked to him.



I’m taking it right now! I’ve been on it for five years and it’s worked like a charm for my UC. It’s actually the only thing that’s been able to get me into remission for the 12 years that I’ve had it! I do feel very tired when I need a shot coming up and right after but the in-between is nice. Sometimes a little nausea but that’s it!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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