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Updated 10mo ago

High results on complements 3 and 4 labs from rheumatology

has anyone on here ever had high results on their complements 3 and 4 labs from rheumatology? I am still in the blue as to what these things mean. I have been seeing oncology for over a year as well. Another question that I have is that I have high inflammation levels but I refuse to take gabapentin because it has always been a weight gainer for me. is there any other good medication?

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I have low C4 complement that has yet to be explained. High C3 and C4 along with inflammatory markers often indicates autoimmune disease or activation of the immune system by a disease process. There are many medications used to treat autoimmune diseases, such as corticosteroids. Gabapentin is typically used to treat nerve pain.



most definitely from what I have actually read. My AVISE labs have not come back in yet. I found out this week when I had to have my thyroid ultrasound re-done and check-up on, that my lymph nodes were almost 2 cm in size.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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