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2y ago

Just Diagnosed with Herpes, What Do I Do?

Help, I was just diagnosed with both herpes strains, I've never had any outbreaks or symptoms. So, I have no idea when I could have contracted it. I only found out about it because I went in for a UTI, and they asked if I wanted a STI testing. I thought what the heck, why not? I've been in a monogamous marriage going on 9 years. so I was shocked to come out positive, especially considering my multiple pregnancies. I'm quite sure I've been tested and always come out negative. So I thought my husband must have cheated and gave me herpes! we had a discussion, he promised he never did and offered to do anything to prove it. We went to the doctors to get him tested also, and hopefully get some answers, and to retake my tests hoping it had been a false positive. Sadly mine was positive for both. but strangely my husband's both came back negative. how can this be??? We rarely use protection during intimacy, and we've been intimate for 9 years. Also, I am absolutely terrified to pass it on to my young children, I'm too scared to share drinks or food with them now. I am scared kiss them on the face. it's tearing me apart. I'm even scared to have sex with my husband. I even get paranoid washing my private area in the shower now, I hate this so much. Please help me...

Your answer



1y ago

My question for u is have u ever had Mononucleosis? I just posted asking some questions myself. Having Mono u can test positive for herpes simplex 2.


2y ago

This is short but perhaps you've had it all along. Herpes can remain dormant for a very long time before surfacing. Look further into your past. Your age, stress various other factors like introducing new medication s to your system etc can bring about an outbreak. It's hard to say. However you may find that you gained it in childhood or even infancy. Who knows. Perhaps you find a parent who has it and you never knew. A relative maybe? Again don't discount the possibility. It's a life long virus yes but for the most part lays dormant until it is triggered. Something in your own health maybe going on and you haven't had reason to investigate it? Get a check-up just in case. But look in your past and ask questions. If you have not had sex with anyone but your husband and he too is negative in his tests, it would stand to reason a more simple answer than you may know. I wish you best of luck and either way I hope you will not allow the virus to dictate too much of your concern. There is a reason why it's there and from your description you and your husband deserve peace.


2y ago

My husband and I have been monogamous with one another for 21 years. After I got my first Moderna shot, my lymph nodes flared up, my Hashimoto’s flared up, and I got my first genital herpes infection of my life. It was a shock to both of us! Neither of us have cheated on one another in all these years. All we can figure is this must be something I picked up in my teens before we met and my immune system was spiraling out of control after the vaccine.


2y ago

I'm truly sorry for all your experiences . I've had this for this for 30 years, I got it from a boyfriend that didn't tell me had it. So of course I tell whoever I have a relationship with, or I think will become sexual. I tell them that I have it because I don't want anybody to find out the way I did. I agree with shadowmyth when she said that you cannot pass it unless you have an open sore. I also agree that that I don't like kissing my children and that because I'm afraid of pass it on and I also was afraid that I would pass it during childbirth. But I had each of my children tested When they were born to make sure they didn't contract it. As far as I know all 3 of my children that I gave birth to don't have it. But unfortunately 2 of my husbands did contract it. Lanacane cream is the best for releaving the burning and itching of the sores as they outbreak. Keeping the area clean and dry helps. Wearing cotton and loose clothing helps too.


2y ago

I have both simplexes as well. All I can say is it only transferred from open sores. If you have cold sores obviously don't kiss anyone. Also don't touch the sore and then yourself before washing hands. You can have a cold sore open and give the second simplex to yourself. And realize that some people NEVER have an outbreak. I caught mine by rape in 2015. I went to years of therapy to accept the fact that my life's not over. I've had sexual partners since and tell them and they are unbelievably compassionate. I've never transferred. I take valtrex on a daily because I get paranoid of outbreaks. No body likes to burn when u pee. Lol. If I don't take it daily and I get n outbreak I take one for 2 or 3 days and the outbreak is over with. I still wait a week or so depending on my body before being physically active


2y ago

I'm so sorry you were attacked 😥 my heart hurts for you. Thank you for your help.


2y ago

Hi love, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of this. Unfortunately I can’t offer much insight as far as the medical questions you have, I get very anxious when I try to read about the condition and usually have to stop. I can’t imagine how it must feel to not know where it came from after being monogamous for so long, that has to be so confusing and difficult, and I hope you can gain some insight to that very soon. I do understand the fear of spreading it and I know it’s a very awful feeling, I’m so sorry you’re feeling it. I hope in time you can learn what you can and can’t do and it gives you some peace. Sending you love

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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