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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for Help with ASD, ADHD, and Dysphoria

Hello I guess, my names Liam and I’m a minor on here just kinda looking for some help and tips with stuff like ASD and ADHD as well as help with dysphoria. My hobbies include playing hockey, hunting, fishing, witchcraft, and playing guitar. I love punk rock and black metal, I’m apart of the punk subculture and love to have my hands busy. I’m also gay and trans but despite that I’m still the same as before.

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Hi there! I hope you can find some answers here as well as a community. I have adhd and bipolar 2 disorder. ❤️



Something that helps with my adhd is listening to music while working. A lot of schools are super offended by the concept, but try talking to your teachers about being able to use earbuds during silent work. And honestly, even if they say no.. find a way to do it anyway. Do whatever it takes to get your work done and grades up. And dont let *anyone* tell you you aren’t trying hard enough.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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