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Updated 11mo ago

Heavy Periods and Debilitating Cramps: Seeking Advice

My symptoms might be a number of things, but like other plus sized people, my doctor always says, nothing is wrong with me. My periods have always been really heavy to the point ill bleed through a maxi overnight. My cramps are debilitating, my PMS is really rough (all the symptoms of PMS are way worse than anyone I know) and my periods will skip months sometimes and vary in length. The longest has been 9 days and the shortest is 5. Should I go to a specialist? Is there some condition with similar symptoms?

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Idk of any conditions, but I take Kariva (a type of birth control) and it has helped with my periods immensely. Mine used to last about 5 days and skip a day or two and come back before being done for the month. I was also so heavy to the point where I was anemic.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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