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Updated 10mo ago

Heart Rate Drops While Sleeping

It’s currently 5:35AM, and I can’t get to sleep. It seems that, whenever I’m drifting of to sleep, my heart rate gets slower, but the beat is heavier. I will then get jolted awake, which causes my heart rate to speed up a bit, but the beat is significantly weaker. I tested this with the pulse ox and as I went off to sleep, same thing happened. I jolt awake, and it reads “55”, speed picks up a bit, but then the beat gets so weak that the ox goes blank and fails to read it. I’m worried about going to sleep, because this has been happening for a while, and it seems like my heart rate reaches a new low every time this happens.

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Are you on any medications, or caffeine? Do you have anxiety or have you ever been diagnosed with sleep apnea? I would look into sleep apnea testing 🤔



@Alienbaby I took antibiotics and Prednisone earlier. I stopped the Prednisone, because it was causing psychological issues. I do have anxiety, and have experienced central sleep apnea. The problem is, I can’t get in with my doctor until the 18th, but my problems are only getting worse by the day and I can’t/really don’t feel safe to go to sleep.



Can you sleep sitting more upright? I don’t know if it would help but maybe and it’s better than not sleeping. Something similar happens to me and it usually happens less or not at all when I’m more upright to sleep



I second trying to sleep with a pillow or two to help you be more upright. That’s helped me in the past



TRY THE MILITARY SLEEPING technique it works wonders trust. Just search up the steps for it



My sleep schedule is chronically messed up too - BPD and ADHD do me dirty on that - typically what I do is if I haven’t fallen asleep by 3:30am, I’ll take my adhd meds and stay up through the next day, then sleep really well the next night. It might not work for everyone, but I’ve found that doing a 2/1 (awake/sleep) can sometimes be very helpful



@UnluckyUnicorn I have tried this, but it seems to put a lot of strain on my lungs, and causes a terrible stinging pain when I wake up in the morning. :/



@CookieMonster Yeah, my sleep has been horrible, and It seems like I can only go to sleep without problems after 4AM. I’m up all night with my heart problems, which is what I’m most worried about. It jumps from being an incredibly weak beat, where I can barely feel it, to heavy beats, where it’s the only thing I feel. It just all around feels really irregular. If I yawn or do anything that causes strain, my heart will skip a beat and feel like it’s struggling to beat normally. These fluctuations cause me to not feel safe when going to sleep.



how long has this been going on? can you go to an urgent care practice? it sounds like this could be an anxiety thing but it’s always best to get any heart concerns checked out sooner rather than later.



if you can’t get to an urgent care, i would try to get in contact with your primary doctor by messaging or calling them, and let them know what’s going on. that way they can let you know if it’s something that needs to be immediately addressed.



@Sprite This has been going on for a little less than a month, but in the past few weeks, it’s gotten incrementally worse. I can’t get in with my doctor that will be able to actually get the tests I need done until the 18th. I don’t have anyone else to go to, so I’m just having to wait it out.. It’s incredibly stressful and frustrating. I’ve been in the hospital twice before with an upper respiratory infection and very rapid heart rate. They did all the regular tests and couldn’t find much wrong. I was sent home with nothing to help me, but it does feel like something’s not right. I’m having a lot more problems than just this. You can look back to my earlier posts, if you want. I’m 15, and, of course, can’t just drive myself to the doctor’s. I would’ve already done that, given the chance. Although I’ve begged every single day to go back to the hospital, or ANYONE that would be able to help, my mom doesn’t think there would be anyone able to do anything.



^Shit dude.... I really really hope you get the help you need real soon, that's all I'm able to say sadly.



@Vew Thanks, man. The predicament I’m in certainly isn’t the best, and the doctor’s don’t really seem to care about my problems, either. It seems like every possible solution to my problems are unobtainable/months down the line. This app and it’s community has helped me so much to do my own research, because I can’t just rely on my careless doctors to do that.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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