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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for Motivation to Train My Own Hearing Dog

do any of you have hearing dogs? have you trained them yourself? I need the motivation to fight against my family too train my own

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I have always wanted a hearing dog to be trained professionally, but I found it caught way to much money. So when my sisters grandma's yorkie had babies she gave me one a a boy. I watch YouTube video and try my hardest to train my little guy he will be two on June 16th. So far he growls or barkes and gets me when there is a knock at the door. He tells me when the apartment building fire alarm goes off. Try to use the argument that if you train the dog yourself it will save money and it will help keep you safe in the future after you train them. Warning it takes a lo g time. I'm still working with my little guy.



Hey! I’m severely hearing impaired, and I’m a professional dog trainer for service dogs amongst other things, I have trained my own hearing dog, and helped others train theirs if they prefer to be more involved in the training process, which I always recommend. YESSSSS you can do It yourself! The biggest thing is teaching the behavior by rewarding the wanted behavior, I highly recommend clicker training! Using a clicker will give you a bit more time to get to the treat/reward once the dog understands what the clicker means! You can eventually phase out the treats and only use the clicker if you so chose. Please feel free to message me! I offer affordable training help for those with disabilities like myself that may be financially challenged, but I’d love to help you out (no charge of course! ) I have a passion for helping those with hearing loss!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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