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1y ago

Rapid Heart Rate and Palpitations with GAD

Hello. I have GAD. I know nobody can really give me any medical advice, but I was wondering if anyone else experiences rapid heart rate and palpitations? I've had them for years and have had blood work and ekg that all come back fine, but just standing up from sitting my heart will jump into the 150s this really scares me. Even just the slighest movement will make my heart rate spike really bad.

Your answer



1y ago

That happens to me too sometimes when I stand up from sitting, and I feel super out of breath. All I can figure is it might be POTS. Haven't had tests done for it, but the main criteria is your heart rate jumps at least 30 bpm when you stand from sitting.


1y ago

Me to anxiety horrible sometimes the breath don't help


1y ago

I had these same symptoms for several years. I got out of a toxic relationship, and moved out of the south back to Alaska because I had year round allergies. I started exercising every day and changed to a healthier diet. I also stopped drinking alcohol as much. Most of my panic attacks went away after all of these changes. I had them so bad that I’d have them in my sleep. I’ve had such bad heart palps that my heart would surge and pound so hard that it legit hurt and would wake me up. I never wanted to go on meds for it so I just had to make those changes to better my life. This may not be possible for everyone but remember that small steps in the right direction are key. My first panic attack was really bad and I had it while driving. So every time I drove my body associated them with driving. I had them every day all day because I drove for work. I know it seems like there’s no end in sight and everyday is torture. Hang in there and talk to your doctor. Just do your research on your options and the risks with certain meds. 🫶🏽


1y ago

hey there.. do you use kratom? My boyfriend and I have been looking into it but it’s kind of confusing to me. Let me know if you have any advice!!


1y ago

My panic attacks get extremely bad. One time, I had a panic attack so bad my heart was pounding so hard and going so fast I legit thought it was going to explode. The next day I took my blood pressure and it was 180 over 110 (that is EXTREMELY high, especially for my age). I went to the doctors and they told me it was because of the panic attack. My panic attacks usually consist of rapid heartbeats and heart palpitations. Sometimes my heart is beating so fast and hard it makes me dizzy and I feel like I might pass out. I'm completely healthy and so is my heart. When you have a panic attack, lots of adrenaline is released into your system. It's your fight or flight response. Having GAD means that response can come at any time, even if you aren't in any danger. You're alarm bells are going off yet you are laying comfortably in bed safe and sound. I have developed some coping mechanisms to help me through it and the main thing is to distract yourself. Play games on your phone or watch funny videos. My therapist instructed me to listen to music that will lower your bpm (beats per minute) because your heart rate can actually synch to music!


1y ago

Same things happen to me, my heart has spiked up to the 180s, and my bp was at 200 over 101 I literally thought I was gonna die. The doctor said it was just my anxiety. I also am constantly dizzy and feel like I'm gonna pass out a lot.


1y ago

I found propranolol helped me with that as it’s a beta blocker


1y ago

I am also on a beta blocker for high blood pressure and I think it probably helps with this as well.


1y ago

Also, in the moment deep breaths can help. You can go all fancy but when panicking I find it best to keep it simple with just 5 seconds in 5 seconds out for a couple minutes to get my heart rate down.


1y ago

Do your heart palpitations stem from your anxiety or do you get anxiety due to your heart palpitations?


1y ago

Well I get them when I'm anxious but I also get them when I'm not anxious at all and then it makes me anxious after I feel them lol.


1y ago

Yes I sometimes get those heart palpitations also. I get it when I am sitting and even laying down. It can be scary, what can help is deep breaths.


1y ago

Yeah, I used to but not so much anymore. I like my Fitbit because i Can monitor my heart rate. Sometimes it feels like my heart is beating really fast and it’s actually not. Idk it’s nice to see what my heart rate is at. Stopping caffeine helped me but yeah I know it’s my fight or flight response so I don’t get worried about it really.


1y ago

agreed about caffeine! I don’t do any unless I’m dying from my period and need some midol 🤣


1y ago

I do I was diagnosed with tachycardia but it's mostly when I am nervous before I start having palpitations and my heart rate goes crazy and sometimes I have to use my inhaler because when I have a panic or anxiety attack


1y ago

I’ve gotten them since I was little here & there. I always get my heart checked at the Dr. & it’s fine so it’s definitely the GAD. Just wait for it to pass. Good luck to you! 🙌


1y ago

I've recently had to move home and was/is stressed and tense. I've had palpitations which make me think I'm physically ill, seeing the Dr on Monday hopefully I'll have an ECG. Sucks because I have health anxiety which adds to it all the time.


1y ago

Thanks everyone, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this.


1y ago

My heart rate spikes at random times also. I find it really weird but nothing ever shows up on tests either. Must be something to do with our anxiety.


1y ago

I have the same issues and have had everything like you done as far as tests! It is so aggravating!


1y ago

Yes. It was so bad I was put on a beta blocker to help. It made a huge difference.


1y ago

me too xx


1y ago

Anxiety is a fight or flight response, and I've heard that if you tense up ALL of your muscles for a little bit and then release it tricks your body into thinking you've "fought the threat". I've done it a couple times and it works okay for me, I've had more success with mindfulness exercises though


1y ago

that explains why whenever i face my fear, my panic attack goes away once i see it was harmless 💕


1y ago

I’ve never heard this I like it!! 🙌


1y ago

I don't have this problem currently, but I have experienced it at times. It does sucks and it ratchets up my anxiety even more. I know that conning down from anxiety or panic is hard, but try deep breathing. That has helped me the most. I know some people have the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method to help ground them. Maybe Google it. I don't know much about it. When I was in therapy, my therapist mentioned mindfulness as well. Meditation is good too.

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