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What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you due to your condition?

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    • Bre19


      @clover99 goodness

    • Overcomer


      My therapist and I having a few mins of laughing during our session

    • JametheDealMaker


      I made a joke earlier because I was very hyper that my "adh was d'ing" (thought it would make more sense if I said my "add was h'ing")

    • Redvelninja


      I got told multiple times by family members that I must not have children and my response was "so, what? You're going to disown me because I made a decision on my own?" I got surprised looks, funny looks and some angry glares. Guess I proved them right.

    • Tracks


      I don’t want to say because, it might insult others

    • SecondChance


      I shit my pants 🩳

    • katitomato


      When a guy I was seeing saw my insulin pump, he asked what it was, I told him it’s for diabetes, and he asked if he could catch diabetes like an STD 😂

    • zozo131


      My hips locked when I was trying to show someone a party trick so my leg was stuck on the counter for nearly an hour then I couldn’t really walk bcs it went so tingly and dead 😂👌🏻

    • YourLeftKidney16


      Some of my tics are kinda funny, one of them is just saying om-nom-nom.

    • canoli


      I was extremely manic and asked my super hot oil change guy if he wanted to sleep with me. I said it in French too. So embarrassing. I also got stuck on top of a mountain and search and rescue showed up. I was on the front page of the paper. Gotta love mania. I have so many more too.

    • katastrophe676


      I have anxiety and one day at work I had to use the intercom to do closing announcements. Instead of saying thank you for shopping at target, I said Walmart. Why? Idk. Just came out lol. Oops

    • Whitney118


      My throat randomly growls/croaks like a frog or something because of a distinction with my esophageal sphincter. It used to embarrass me but I've learned to joke about it.

    • chowdahead23


      After I eat my stomach is super noisy. It can turn into fun convos.

    • SomeKindaKid


      Whenever my bones pop out and it makes a loud popping noise it’s kinda funny because my friends will look at me and be like “was that your joints?????” Like yeah bro this happens idk it just be like that 🤧

    • bunniigutz


      I showed a classmate my inhaler and he was all like “it looks just like the ones in the movies” lmao

    • Kaitikins


      Funny? The first time that I had a seizure at work, the manager came to check on me. When I started to come around a little bit, I just looked at him and started rubbing his bald head 😂. Lol everyone still makes fun of me for that, including me.

    • TheUglyDuckling


      Well, strangely enough when people make fun of me and play back my intrusive thoughts out loud… I mean, I can’t help but laugh. Cuz it’s absurd. I mean, everyone with intrusive thoughts and pure ocd is kind of funny though when you think about it. Some of us even heal so much that we laugh at ourselves later in laugh.

    • ashbear2022


      I was taking care of my spouse when they had covid, I fell off the toilet because I was so tired. Not really funny in the moment but looking back we joke about it while making Elvis references lol.

    • Mr._Dank


      I’ve passed out from panic attacks many times. It’s funny because of how much people freak out. One time someone thought I died😭 when I pass out my eyes stay wide open and I don’t move or I start shaking. Another time I legit hit my face on the counter and fell on the ground. Idk why but I find it hilarious. Not in the moment but later it definitely is.

    • BeanBetter


      Besides soiling myself?

    • mx.mistoffolees


      Im routinely a little too sincere about everything cos of my autism

    • Bre19


      I've fallen a lot because of anxiety attacks

    • rorose


      how i cleared out a function at the park just cus i asked for a soda. i wasnt invited to the function but i thought being friendly wasnt wrong and oops everyone cleared out so quick. i tried to relate to the other kids there before i went home and it didnt help. this was before i got on medication.

    • RogueDream


      I got asked by a friend if my schizophrenia is actually me having an ability to see the dead and talk to spirits and stuff in regards to the part of hallucinations and hearing voices they mean. I was like wow that’s not even how it works haha I couldn’t stop laughing because my friend said it so casually too like they legit wondered it

    • oeethan


      i am a diagnosed "psychopath" and i'm on probation so people automatically assume I killed someone

    • Keke81



    • BreBee04


      1.I was having a tic attack and walked into my agender, omnisexual, polygamous sibling's room while their SO was on the phone to get a stuffed animal of mine they borrowed. I walked through the doorway and loudly tic "GAY" 2. I went to my doctor and he asked me how my meds were working. He looked up and found that I was asleep. This was my narcolepsy specialist

    • VeggieSandwichQueen


      Not funny-haha but funny in a learning-to-advocate-for-myself kind of way. I have PCOS and high androgens, and my first doctor told me when I was a teen that there were no treatment options aside from the pill I was already on and therefore, I should just use them to get super jacked. I took it a step further and did that *so* well that I developed an eating disorder (only funny because I’m fully recovered now)😂 I came back like “I DID IT” and my therapist was like “ did SOMETHING.” If there are any doctors on here, be careful what you say to your young, impressionable patients!

    • Ink789


      I can bend my left pointer finger all the way back to my hand and doctors hate it so much, every time its always "eww" and that disgusted look brings me joy

    • Mbgjvb


      Beating the nurse in the psych ward at ping pong >:3

    • Footloose


      I get chronic migraines sometimes daily

    • Tini


      I was having a panic attack in the car on the way to get breakfast and my grandma threw ice cold water all over me out of NOWHERE. It helped tho.

      • Footloose


        @Tini I heard it shocks your nervousystem and stops it

    • ollywolf


      I was told by a coworker, whose daughter also had migraines, to put on my big girl panties and deal with it

    • PeculiarPrincess


      One time I was walking down the street and using a sun umbrella because of sun sensitivity from Lupus. I was about to head into a store when a guy came up and hit on me, and asked me about my umbrella. I was totally uninterested in this guy and got bad vibes, so I answered him by saying "I have a disease called Lupus and I have to use this umbrella to protect me from the sun." His eyes got real big and he bolted away. The store manager overheard (the door was open) and told me that the dude I was talking to definitely wanted to take advantage of me, but bolted because he thought Lupus was a contagious STI. IDK of he really thought that but the whole thing made me laugh 😂

      • VeggieSandwichQueen


        @PeculiarPrincess oh my gosh, while reading this I thought you were about to tell him you’re a vampire😂

    • CaptainHolmes


      Not me but my older sister. She had severe scoliosis, and wore a hard plastic and metal brace under her clothes. A bully threatened to punch her in the stomach, so she shrugged and said "Go ahead." So the girl punched her and injured her hand. My sister laughed and said "my daddy is a tanker, I wear armor."

    • Vooligan


      When I was diagnosed, my family refused to hear it. They said, “ You’re fine, it’s probably just a tapeworm 🤦‍♀️.

    • Lucas.exe


      Knowing full well I have PTSD my friend told me that my thinking was irrational... b----... that's one of my symptoms...

    • d1sc0haus


      A kid in my weight training class once told me that I'm trans because my dad left... I wanted to be pissed but it was so bizarre lmfao

    • Irelan


      When I order a salad, I order like so. The Ceasar with no cheese, onion, croutons and the dressing on the side please. It's like that for a lot of restaurants.

    • spicysugar


      I fronted right as a joke was told and everyone was laughing. Apparently I went from laughing to just immediately stopping which made everything more funny for everyone lol

    • Indira


      I mean one time a teacher was chewing me tf out and the voice in my head told me she shat herself and i announced it to the class and she got so mad that she actually shat herself and I was known as the magical girl in the 5th grade

    • enbypup


      TW: BURNS, bug mention I burned my butt on a wall heater in our bathroom when I was in 4th grade after I took a shower 😂😅 I thought I saw a spider and backed right into it. my parents room was across the hall from the bathroom,and my dad heard the sizzle and then my crying. he still sent me to school that day, and my mom ended up picking me up early.

    • Inezz


      Well the other day I was just distracted from everything going non in my head I started having a panic attack I was rushing to my patio to go get my phone and boom right smack into the slider glass door I started laughing so hard my daughter saw me on the floor and was like are you ok mind you I’m laughing the I can’t breath funny to What’s wrong with me laugh put it this way I sounded crazy my daughter helped me up n asked what was going on well I didn’t learn I turn around and hit the wall I wasn’t hurt just funny because I must have cleaned the glass door hella good 😆

    • Ghipsee


      I have lymphedema in my leg and was trying to adjust the compression wrap I have to wear, anyhow my 2 year old niece was passing by my room and pushed the door fully open and asked if I was changing my diaper 😦🤣

    • sabbymer


      I have mental health and work in a kitchen. We all have something too. One time there was a quiet far off noise at the bar and we all went "what the fuck is that noise?" 🤣🤣🤣 you can really tell who is neurotypical there hehehe 💙

    • BulletproofRose


      I guess its less funny and more just sweet. One of my students learned that I take medication for my adhd just like he does and for the rest of the year he gave me reminders to "take my meds" at lunch 😊 I didnt have the heart to tell him I switched to an extended release and only took them in the morning because he was so happy to connect on that little thing

    • CinderLorel


      When I was diagnosed with Autism I just gasped and went “THATS WHY IM SO WEIRD?!” I found it halarious Then when I told an old friend I am autistic they just blinked and said “that makes so much sense”

    • Sparkle_Lion


      Memory issues from ECT here. Getting huffy about things I did, forgot, and think my spouse did.

    • ItsJustARide


      As someone with IBS , within my family we have code words for having to go to the bathroom. One of our words is simply the Slovak word for diarrhea (we're from slovakia but speak English to each other, so we'll say; 'I need to go sratčka'). Only problem is when we go to Slovakia and forget where we are....then literally the only word people understand in that sentence IS the word 'diarrhea'. Haha

      • sabbymer


        @ItsJustARide I have it too that's really funny

    • gurspaceport


      "You won't faint just stand up." Spoiler Alert: I fainted.

    • TheFemaleSmokey


      Noticing how crazy I am...I can even be silly and talk crap to myself lol

    • Egg.Sprinkles


      The second time I was committed in a mental institution they did a strip search and wrote and documented all the scars and abrasions and determining features on my entire body because I was in the high risk ward. But the employee accidentally dropped my underwear in the garbage and it was actually kind of funny. They didn’t know what to do so I just had no underwear on after that until either they found some later or something I’m not really sure I don’t remember I was pretty deeply psychotic. But the person who accidentally dropped my underwear was embarrassed and it made the stop search a little less mortifying- to me.

    • CrazyAlice


      On Halloween I got a migraine and didn't have any actual sunglasses so I borrowed some aviators and put a head wrap on top to black out the light. One of my teachers thought I was dressed up as Axel Rose😂

    • CL207


      Manic episode

    • Sleak67


      I overheard Someone saying I was maybe on drugs. My caregiver and I said VERY loud it's a rare movement disorder I need deep brain surgery for. Then embarrassed them about ableism. Think before you say dumb shit and don't judge. I shouldn't have laughed when a few ppl cried once.

      • Egg.Sprinkles


        @Sleak67 I would’ve laughed heartily in their face. They should hold their tongue more in the future due to their embarrassment lol.

    • mtngoat


      I hid food while I was in treatment for my eating disorder by putting it in my pants 😅

    • JennyHeart


      Being filmed while sleep talking about pullimg brains out of my blanket that was ripped. You just have to see it!

    • Cvprisun


      falling asleep sitting up and hitting my head on my wall is in my top 10

    • SparklesJ


      Ooooh. Do you have time?🤗

    • Dad.of.Many


      I had a boss once that hated me and I never knew why. I was always kind and polite to him and i was also the top worker he had. He was always very vain and flashy and soon I found out from others that he was very prejudiced against overweight people. Long story short I saw a picture of him a couple years back and he had gotten huge, bigger than me! Would love to see him sometime so i could look him up and down like he used to do me, but I probably wouldn't because that would put me on his level, a place I never want to be.

    • Okay...Zero


      The event isn't funny but my brothers reaction to it was. My legs give out on occasion and they did but I was far from home so I wanted someone to walk back with me so I called my brother and he like sprints up this moutain and I was feeling really bad for disrupting his evening and he just says oh please I would sprint up here if I saw a cool bug. That made me laugh. He's so wonderful.

    • lightestofheart


      My mother had cancer a few times which is not a sentence you ever think you're going to say. But through it all she coped with humor and by the end of things she had one breast and one eye and then had liver cancer and she had said if I have two they can have one, and I was like wth mom you only have one liver! She would also say things like I have my eye on you. She had these drainage jugs from after her mastectomy and she would talk about having to adjust her jugs she's a pretty funny lady and I miss her very much. The liver cancer that's the one that got her

    • jam064


      Mine is because of my dysphoria. I'm trans and occasionally use an STP (stand to pee) packer, and mine is fairly realistic. You obviously have to wash it at the end of the day. I left it on the edge of the tub to dry and forgot about it. By the time I remembered, my sister and dad had both seen it, so I was like w/e, I'll just leave it. My mom got home and immediately comes out of the bathroom and yells "Josh what is this?!" "My packer!" "You're what?" "My packer!" "I don't know what that is!" And then my sister yelled, IT'S HIS DICK MOTHER!"

    • SquippyMars


      When I laugh too hard I can't keep standing 🤭 it's concerning the first time u see it, but I think it's kinda funny

    • History.and.cats


      So, I do get migraines but my funniest thing actually has to do with my joints being hypermobile. I picked up a muffin and got a wrist injury.

    • Iluvkk


    • Dayze


      I can't remember what I did or didn't do to cause my mother to yell at me but my adhd saved me from trauma in that moment because I went from scared and starting to get sad to fixating on her face and then I started laughing. My mother got more angry turning a brighter shade of red and saying she's serious and asking what was funny. I told her I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously when you look like angry Bob the tomato she started to laugh and I continued with and your forehead wrinkles are spelling WTF. She died laughing and forgot to be mad after that

    • Duckyqueen123


      I lost the butter lid but little did I know I was by the sink on the counter

    • Officialishness


      Chronic UTIs. Came back from a trip with UTI symptoms that hadn’t gotten better in a few days, set an appointment for a day after I came home. Got home and was okay but lots of pain and nausea. Because it was around my birthday I went with my family to go buy my first car, I was super excited but had to Uber home because I started to feel so sick. Took a nap and didn’t feel much better so I call my mum who said I needed to go to urgent care. My dad HATED that, he thought I was being dramatic and was so upset saying “I don’t know why you need to go to urgent care” and “what are they even going to do for you?” Arrive to urgent care and my UA was all blood basically so they sent me to ER😂 He didn’t see the UA and thought it was just drs being dramatic. On way yo ER, the says to my mum “you know they are crying in the car basically dying so idk what you want from me!” Turns out I was actually dying of severe sepsis and was going into organ failure 😂😂 He said he felt bad but I can’t stop laughing at him being upset

    • Adalia


      i was at a pool party with a bunch of friends and i walked in on them doing a bit, except my ND ass didn’t know it was a bit, so when my friend said "yeah, what’s your favourite movie? personally, my problem with dating is that everyone i’ve romantically loved has pushed me away only to lead me back in when thry need me. i also love breakfast at tiffany’s." and i was like "are we talking about (their ex’s name)?" and everyone laughed until they couldn’t breathe and only when they showed me a tiktok did i get the bit. don’t worry their ex wasnt at the party

    • DariaFae


      I know not funny but just wanted to mention. Really wanted to talk a bit tonight. Thank you guys for always listening.

    • DariaFae


      Very true about the migraines. The lucky ones that don't get them. Mine used to get soo bad with the cyst I had in my brain. I couldn't lat down or they got worse. They were soo bad I'd be in tears within a couple mins and I got soo nauseous from the pain I'd vomit stomach acid. No one knows the worst taste ever until they taste that. 🤢 it makes me sick thinking about it. When the cyst like magically vanished though the pains got sooo much better. Less hospital trips and all. 🙏

    • Harley.Q


      I haven't really had anything funny happen but when I was 12 or 13 I kept telling my mom about how my back hurt all the time her and my grandma would tell me I didn't know what pain was and I was too young to have pain.... needless to say when I was 14 I was going to get in the shower and my mom came in the bathroom and where I was bent over turning the water on my mama seen how messed up my back was and to this day she still apologizes cause when I was 10 the dr told her I had a slight curvature of the top of my spine and for years I tried telling my mom remember what the dr said n she just dismissed me.... when she took me to the spine dr and the did x-rays my spine is in the shape of an S then when I went to another spine dr to get his opinion on it I needed surgery or not when I was 17 the dr had the audacity to say scoliosis don't cause pain!!!!!

    • lydi88


      got fired for doing cartwheels at work.

    • Anixty


      Sometimes i just say something random and people think it’s funny i don’t know what it’s.

    • chronicchemist


      "You don't have endometriosis, you just have anxiety and are worrying about something that isn't probable". Yeah 3 months later at my surgery they found endo up to my abdominal side walls and covering my entire pelvis. I smiles real big when I found that one put 🤗

    • Sleak67


      I overheard someone say she could be on drugs. I gave them a card that explained dystonia and proceeded to tell them now I'm waiting to see if I'm a candidate for deep brain surgery. I hate going in public sometimes the comments to my face are weird. I already deal with social anxiety so I know the tremors and weird moments I can't control unless alternative medicine before going out are causing ppl to stare and draw more attention to me. I guess it's not funny when happening but after they find out it's funny how embarrassed they get lol

    • iradorrah


      I don't think it's funny but I had to talk about what l like Infront of the whole class in school I was studdering and messed up words and I didn't make sense so I just some thing kiddish it was in middle school. I literally can't talk to nobody if I don't know you so people had to talk for me.

    • jmr2191


      I fell asleep in the middle of sex.

    • Fluffsy


      Every time a job has ever asked me to take a Tylenol and come in in response to me telling them I have a migraine when I’m projectile vomiting, sobbing and half of my visual field is blobs of random light

      • Fluffsy


        @Fluffsy Yeah I’ll just do that I’m sure you want me working with customers in this condition 😂😂😂

    • Irelan


      I'm short, and I don't talk much. When a waiter comes by, asks us what we want, he talks to my parents, what does she want? And I answer, She, wants a steak, and mashed potatoes. Fries, with ketchup please. They get surprised! Its hilarious 😂

    • Stealthmode


      In marching band they created the fall patrols because before I was diagnosed with pernicious anemia my legs would suddenly stop working

    • MaryC


      My husband has never understood my back pain. Now he is suffering with a pulled muscle in his back. Payback is a @##$%

      • Stealthmode


        @MaryC it is called Karma

    • Esri


      I find it funny now but it was annoying at the time. My friends were setting up a date together and my tics the entire time just kept saying "you're gonna f***!" Over and over. Just a nice peaceful chat talking about when they should hang out together, just them. Me in the background the whole time : "You're gonna f***! You're gonna f***!"

    • Butterfyi


      My forgetting to put on my underwear and was wondering why it was breezy down there🙂🤣😂

    • Mop


      My migraine is a very specific kind where I suddenly feel like I'm really, REALLY hot. Took years to learn it was a migraine because we were looking at early menopause and thyroid issues and stuff. But anyways, during the winter when I'm having a migraine I'll often go outside in a tshirt and pants and plop down right in a snowbank. The looks I get sometimes...

    • not_b00bs


      i love when people tell me to "prove" im deformed. my bones are the problem, so it isn't visible. i love looking at their shocked faces after turning my feet backwards or upside down. eeheheehehehe

    • Brandonv01


      A friend of mine told me surgery's don't hurt when you wake up. I told him the complete opposite because I have had surgery before but he didn't believe me. So a couple days go bye and he has to get the same surgery I did. I told him to be prepared for the pain a take the painkillers the give you when you wake up. Guess what he did he didn't and minutes later he started screaming like a man who was hit the balls times 10. I told him the next day I told you to take the painkillers

    • chronically.unchill


      Someone once told me they heard introducing a tapeworm would clear up any gluten intolerance issues I might have. Someone else recommended pregnancy as a cure.... similar to a reset button? Hard pass to both!

    • Terp


      I had told my biblestudy group about my condition(Ulcerative colitis) and they knew about the different odd symptoms that I have regularly. Well one Sunday morning I came into biblestudy with a compression glove on my wrist. My biblestudy leader good naturedly said, "What happened? Now it's your wrist?" I told him, "yeah, I ordered new ones but they haven't arrived yet." 😂😎

    • Ena_Silvoc


      Probably every time my brain goes faster than my mouth and random words spill out in the middle of my sentence while talking to someone. We always get a good laugh out of it

      • Stealthmode


        @Ena_Silvoc that happens to be all the time. Thanks adhd

    • freyaslady


      Some of my mental issues cause me to be very forgetful. I worked at a pizza chain for 2.5 years and all my coworkers expected when I walked into the walk in cooler for something, I was going to poke my head out to ask what I went in there for. Its great for making me do laps around the house because I set something down, forgot where I put it, searched the whole house, then couldn't find my phone which turned out to be in my hand.

    • Wolffgirl


      The funniest? I'd say the one time my ADHD just lost control. I couldn't focus on anything while in class once.. So I needed to recenter myself. Back then the way I did that was by yelling a random word. This is fine at home.. Not at school. So when I jumped out of my seat and yelled cheese at the top of my lungs, only to sit back down like nothing happened... Needless to say everyone was lost and trying not to laugh.

    • Pennysnap


      One time in highschool I went to the nurse to get my second feeding cause I had a feeding tube due to my Gastroparesis and there was a kid in there and saw my line to my back pack pump. It went off to let the nurse know it was time to refill and the kid shuttered like it was contagious. I didn't say anything but after the nurse filled my bag up and hooked it back up to the machine, somehow my line popped off and sprayed the kid. I swear I've never seen someone turn so white. After the nurse fixed it she told the kid he'd be alright, it was just formula. The kid walks past me out of the room and the nurse leans over and whispers karma sweetheart. She didn't do it in case anyone thinks that but it was karma I believe. I felt bad but at the same time it was kinda funny to me.

    • MichealB


      The first time I got an ocular migrane it didn't even hurt that bad but I went blind in the middle of math class and had to get someone to call my parents to pick me up. The whole class was freaking out and they almost called an ambulance. I was just sitting calmly and the whole ordeal was funny to me

    • Claude03


      It’s not related to migraines. I’m still having testing done to figure out what the condition is, but I have episodes of severe abdominal pain with nausea, sometimes I also vomit. I was driving home, but was about 20 minutes away when an episode started. I was feeling really nauseous and I didn’t want to throw up in my car. I got off the high way and stopped at the first gas station I saw. I went in and asked to use their restroom. The person working said they didn’t have one. So I asked for a plastic bag. They gave me a bag (along with a weird look) and I left.

    • SandyA



    • KazJenkins


      "You really don't have ADHD" *Gets a brain scan done by a PhD* *Gets results* Yup. ADHD.

    • Anna_Capricorn


      People trying to follow the eye going a differed way

    • Sparkie


      Back in elementary school years (about 2nd/3rd grade) I was feeling like I was going to throw up when we were all in the library for that days lesson. I had my hand up for about 5 minutes before the teacher called on me, and when I told her I needed to go use the bathroom immediately she dismissed me and didn't let me go, saying the end of the lesson was near and continued doing her lesson. I put my hand up again and she promptly ignored me, leaving me with my hand up for a longer while. I needed to throw up so I got up and the teacher called for me to come back, but not before I puked up my breakfast all over the library floor in front of everyone. Wasn't funny then, but funny for the karma value. I think back every once in a while to that moment and wonder what the teacher and librarian thought in that moment.

    • pastor


      I pray more ❤️😥

    • CSweet94


      Once, while Hyper Manic I felt like I was the best dresser...But when I showed up to my psychiatrist appointment in a blue and white pleated and polka dotted skirt, a striped shirt, leopard print ballet flats all tied together with a bright purple pea coat I felt like I look fly as heck. But within seconds my psychiatrist went OH. MY. GAWD. Yep, you’re hyper manic! Haha 😂 it was back when I was first diagnosed and I had no clue that what I was wearing clashed!!!🤣🤣🤣

    • s.jco


      My doctor told me that my colonoscopy was “impressive”, not really in a good way but we can laugh about it now😂

      • CSweet94


        @s.jco wait wait, how was it impressive??? Was your colon like super healthy?! That sounds like a cool compliment 😅

    • Nesta


      That I’m making it all up or it’s just anxiety get over it

    • laceyandme


      I remember one time i was so paranoia i lock my sister in the house and i was outside with my phone and texting my mom and me holding a stick to protect myself. I didnt realize that my sister could just open the door and come out. I felt silly when i realized she couldof got me.

      • CSweet94


        @laceyandme thank you for sharing that story!!! It tickled me tbh ☺️💜

    • Alliekatt


      When I had my first surgery I freaked out because I metabolize anesthesia super fast and wake up almost completely clear headed. I told the anesthesiologist that I had been awake for the majority of a colonoscopy a few months before (I swear I kept hearing "shoot her again!") And she reassured me that I'd be getting the Michael Jackson Cocktail. I asked her if she was planning on killing me too and she lost it.

      • Stealthmode


        @Alliekatt laughing my butt off

      • CSweet94


        @Alliekatt dude, best anesthesia story ever.

    • Aborted_toaster


      I was put on some meds to help me sleep and this one time I was out with friends and there's made me so tired that I fell asleep in my icecream

    • PlantsInMyLivingRoom


      Social anxiety here 🤚🏼 Sometimes I find it kinda funny when I just randomly start crying and shaking in front of a waiter bc i have to order my own food and they're confused

      • CSweet94


        @PlantsInMyLivingRoom haha I do the same thing ALL THE TIME!!!!😂 I do it at pretty much all stranger human interaction!

    • 100Percent_K


      Anesthesia after my last colonoscopy/endoscopy I was absolutely amazed by everything and was yelling out the window in the Panera drive through how wonderful it is to be there 😂

      • CSweet94


        @100Percent_K 😂

    • Underlighet


      I was telling my therapist about my hyper awareness of my own bodily functions. All she said was, “Wow, you’re really self aware.” For some reason I think this is the funniest thing to happen in my therapy. I tell my friend about it all the time

    • Hummingbird


      I’ve been told just ignore it! Like really 😳

    • average.dewdrop


      A family member and I were talking about my pmle. And she goes I had the same problem so I changed my laundry soap. Now I don't get any more rashes. After I stated pmle is a sun allergy 😂

    • Ralffy


      I had a guy who apparently didn't realize he has really bad vision, give me an honest compliment on my freckles. The freckles he was talking about are acne scars

    • Mrs.Gunn


      I had to have an internal vaginal massage... and now I have to have "my nuts banded"😂😂 I get the most embarrassing but hilarious things

    • Las7983


      It’s not funny funny, but getting a bad migraine on a date and throwing up repeatedly on the way home.

    • katc


      I get compared to a coworker with similar diagnoses often. I would have to say that the funniest thing was when the person who does this got told off by the other worker. She had major surgery and was visited by this person where she explained what I've been saying for weeks, no two people with the same illness will have the exact same symptoms. We'll see if he actually lays off like she said to.

    • livvie361


      The best is someone laughing at you for accidentally pooping your pants in public just for it to happen to them due to the same condition. Ibs for the win

    • katitomato


      One guy asked me if my diabetes was an STD he could catch, after we hooked up already. Thank god it was over text or I would have laughed in his face so hard.

    • Dad.of.Many


      I haven't had many funny things happen. I have been told many times "it's all in your mind" and that always bothers me.

    • poodlelover28


      Nothing. My conditions have caused me great pain physically and emotionally and one of them almost killed me so it's really not a laughing matter.

    • Lyridia


      Literally shitting the bed #thankyouIBS

    • jingjing


      Yes,some days I feel left in the dark,in a float position at hospital, but after a day on a new unit I strive for even more challenges, go figure,I sometimes can't figure myself out,any thoughts?

    • signature_sauce


      looking back on it i find it funny, but one time i got super sick from a seizure and my friend was driving me home. i said “cierra i feel really sick, i might throw up” she said “do you want me to pull over? i’ll pull over” i said “no i can hold it til we get to my house….nevermind, pull over” before i can get the door open i puke all over her floorboard and she had to take it to the car wash and use the water and soap inside her car 😂 she was super understanding and we both laugh about it to this day

    • Jaidenf01


      A few people have been like, “why’d you cut all your hair off?” And then I have to tell them like girl I have cancer and chemo made it fall out🧍🏻‍♀️

    • Barbz


      When I met my new nephrologist, we kept talking about how I was losing my spaghetti as an analogy for my kidneys not filtering the protein. (Rip my spaghetti :,()

    • Blinky


      Passed out in a shopping mall LMAO

      • Ash.G


        @Blinky I passed out in the middle of an adoration and stayed out for 15 minutes.

    • Donnysaur


      Ok I have one. So I have IBS and I had a case of the “stay on the toilet all day or my intestines will make any surface a toilet”. I always snap my friend on the toilet when it’s happening with details bc it’s funny. I thought the bathroom was empty as I was recording a voice memo. And after detailing the worst dokie I’ve ever delivered, someone flushed, promptly washed their hands, and pretty much sprinted out of the bathroom.

      • Ash.G


        @Donnysaur I am nervous about going into public restrooms even more now thanks to that I don't inform my friends using voice notes what's going on with my doo doo especially in a public restroom but if I do eventually I would do it in a private restroom.

      • signature_sauce


        @Donnysaur i have bathroom anxiety, this is my worst nightmare 😭😂

    • Donnysaur


      I feel like everything I think is funny now is sort of just morbidly funny.

    • utahgirl


      I told one of my friends that I have a thyroid disorder and she looks at me and says, "oh honey your thighs look fine." 😆

      • Blinky


        @utahgirl NAHHH 💀

    • Jack_Johnson


      In first grade we had an exercise for open house where the teacher would blow a horn while we had our eyes closed, and then draw what we saw afterwards (meaning what you saw in your mind’s eye/how the horn made you feel). Most of the other kids drew their family, a little sun in the corner of the paper, trees, etc. I grabbed the black marker and colored the entire page black. Then the parents came in for open house. My parents saw mine and freaked out, thinking I was a psychopath or something. They nervously asked me why I drew the page black, and then started cracking up when I answered: “Mommy, they asked me to draw what I see when I close my eyes. And when I close my eyes, I can’t see anything. So I drew it black.”

      • Creator


        @Jack_Johnson Power move.

      • Jack_Johnson


        @Jack_Johnson For context, diagnosed Asperger’s @ 5 years old

        • Ukor


          @Jack_Johnson when I was younger, I didn't understand the purpose of those reading tests, so when my mom asked me why I didn't tell the teacher what happened, I said "Because I just read it to her, is she stupid?"

    • SebtheCrow


      Whenever I say “I have POTS”, everyone thinks I say “I have pot”, so my fiancé and I have made it a joke that whenever I mention it, he always just says “can I have some?”. As much pain as POTS gives me, he always makes me laugh about it ♥️

    • Alinem


      Probably when I wonder where I put my phone when it's right in my hands... 🤣

    • ToastyToast


      I had to have a... Ultrasound? done due to having very lengthy periods. I was on like day 20+ and had drunk a lot of water that morning for it. I had to wait for close to an hour once I got there... ten minutes before my appointment... So, I said, "Let's hurry, because I really need to pee," to the tech. Her response... "Do you think you can pee just a little bit?" To me. "Absolutely not. If I try to pee a little, I'm gonna pee a lot," was my response. And I find that day hilarious.

    • Bubba1


      Believe me if you cut down on salt and stop eating french fries and all that stuff and tacos and well there is a way to make tacos but you got to get the recipe and all that stuff once you cut out the stuff you're not supposed to have you will start losing weight! The doctor told me and this is my doctor said to buy the Morton salt and it's light salt but it's still salt but it's like okay so I just put a little bit and I can taste it. I also change from oil to olive oil. I got the extra virgin smooth olive oil at Walmart that one you can't taste anything you don't have the taste of whatever you think it tastes like and it doesn't have a smell believe me I fry my scrambled eggs with just a pinch of it and I love it

    • Bubba1



    • Bubba1


      I speed my pants so much water!

    • SchizoPig


      I was having jumbled thoughts one time while I was out with my friends and I'm not supposed to have caffeine. I ordered a diet soda with my food because it came with the meal and one of my buddies asked "aren't you not supposed to have caffeine?" I immediately responded with "don't worry, it's diet soda". It took me a second to realize that it didn't make any sense. I haven't heard the end of it since 😭😂

    • JXARabbit


      As my memory started to come back (after a TBI, I had a hard time visualizing things) it offered a vision of shredded lettuce - letting me know I was hungry for tacos, lol. 4 years later, I can envision -not just the lettuce- but the whole taco 🌮!

    • JoDizzle


      Having amputations of my fingers I guess hasn't set it cause I use them like I point and then go ok well. Or grab a handful of your favorite munchies mine is 2 no more or less just two. Lol

      • JXARabbit


        @JoDizzle quite the journey, it does take time to “get used” to a new condition. I’m still getting used to mine and it’s been almost 5 years.

    • Levi000


      Man, I used to have this kid who fakes disorders, like and when I say fake I mean FAKE, like she just looked goofy, and one time I came to her about my sh and I wanted help, and she said some “it’s fine, it’s just hormones.” So one time she was faking Tourette’s and I was like “oh, don’t worry, that’s just happing because of hormones.” And she got mad at me lol (also I knew this girl was faking because she was self diagnosed, her mom told me she doesn’t have it and it never happens at home, also she didn’t have it and nothing happened she did even know what it was until she meant another kid with it.)

    • TrixNY


      I’ve lost so much hair from SLE and meds that I started wearing a wig about a year ago. Since then, we’ve moved and one of my new neighbors made the ol’ ‘but you don’t look sick’ comment when we were talking about Covid risk/autoimmune. I decided right then and there to whip off the wig, in the middle of the road and say ‘what about now? Do I look sick enough now?’ The look on her face 😳 was worth me looking like a plucked chicken for a few minutes.

      • Creator


        @TrixNY Amazing.

      • Ukor


        @TrixNY here u dropped this 👑

      • Bubba1


        @TrixNY 5🤗

    • Keatichie


      I had this neighbor who every he would see me outside.. would walk over and say "You ain't dead yet?" Yes he was a alcoholic... he died like 6 yrs ago..

    • Teotl


      Dementia laden group conversation just deteriorating and ending in someone angry cuz they were being confused with someone else

    • Tinyty


      When people say just push yourself.. isn’t that the opposite you do when no idea what’s wrong :/

    • S.S


      Someone told me that I am "faking" because I'm happy and I didn't know what depression is

    • kila


      I'm a nanny, and one of the kids I watched called my keloid a peanut 🥜

    • _Angel_


      someone said omg why the heck are u so hyper and happy i said i’m bipolar then she said oh sorry do u need a coat she thought i was cold

    • Skelliosis


      You ever dissociate so hard you feel like Scott Pilgrim when he goes from dumping knives,, the bus I think, band practice, then walking to the venue for the battle of the bands or whatever in like 45 seconds; that's sadly a daily thing and to me it's hilarious even tho it's definitely uh not good to be happening so much but life for me is just cut and directed by Edgar Wright at this point for how much i feel like i cut myself into reality like you'd cut a scene to edit it, and as someone who wants to peruse film, i think it's a funny thing

    • Bagel


      I have glasses and hearing loss… my friends call me Hellen Keller💀 One time a teacher thought they were bullying me and sent us all to the counselor

      • Skelliosis


        @Bagel im sorry but i laughed/snorted so grotesquely that my tea went everywhere ☠☠☠☠

    • Towns


      Combination of muscle weakness due to a condition and forgetfulness from adhd leads me to drop things that are in my hands ALL the time then just walk away and leave it there 😂 I've left so many things on the floor of stores and only realize in the car or at home.

      • Ash.G


        @Towns I have the same problem. I have a permanently pinched nerve in one of my wrists so sometimes it goes paralyzed temporarily or at least spaz and I've dropped bottles at an amusement park that still had Gatorade in it.

    • taylorg


      my svt and racing heart beat up to 260 was “just acid reflux”. never went back to that doctor again

      • gurspaceport


        @taylorg I was told mine was just a bladder infection.

    • Anggg


      When I was on ft with my friend and she said “I’m such an empath” because she had to poop 💀

      • Bre19


        @Anggg what in the?

    • Poyi


      I’m not sure if it’s the funniest thing, but I’ve come to laugh sometimes at treating my disease as someone else. For instance, whenever I get “thyroid sleepiness” (I’ve finally learned how to identify it), I am able to give it its own place and let it be. Before I used to get mad at myself or feel embarrassed because I could not stay awake, could not keep my eyes open. Now, I’m like: okay then, you’re here! Let me finish this, or let me get home so we could both relax.

    • kbaby2323


      I'm a not mentally stable enough to see about my kids wth why aren't they taken away from me then tr

    • lilee


      not so funny when it happened but when I OD'd on sleep medication the first thing I did on seeing a cop was whipping the door open, yelling, "Are you gonna shoot me?" Like 5 minutes later I asked him if he was going to hit me. He was so concerned lmao

      • sassy_hacker


        @lilee we need more context lmao

    • E11iefant


      I use humor as a coping mechanism and I have a gluten detection service dog for my celiac disease. So when people ask what’s wrong with me, I give them a list of fake illnesses and tell them that it’s super contagious. They freak out and I get a kick out of it lmao! Then I say “great now you understand how I feel about gluten! I just have celiac disease I was pulling your leg haha!” They’re usually too uncomfortable to ask further questions😂

    • mitrite


      people think i have cancer 👀

    • fiction.finatic


      It's not so much funny, but people ask me why I blink so much. Because I have chronic dry eye and fluorescent lights makes it 10 times worse

    • atami


      some of the hallucinations i get with schizophrenia — since i handle it well now, lil goofy looking people crawling on the floor toward me for a split second is a bit silly at this point xd

    • chloerae


      I went to the doctor for migraines and whenever I listed a symptom, she just nodded her head and said okay okay yep yep. Apparently she gets migraines that act just like mine

    • kittenskysong


      I was on Trax (public light rail where I live) Pre covid sitting in a disabled seat. An elderly lady asked if she could sit next to me. Of course I said yes. Then this happened Some prick of a teen to me: Those seats are for disabled and elderly people, stand up now. Me: I am disabled. Prick: yeah right. Me: I have Fibromyalgia. Leave me alone. Prick: oh so your faking so you can sit there. By this point I am almost in tears. I hate confrontation. This is when the old lady pipes up Old Lady: (in the sweetest voice.) Young man shut the fuck off and get lost. The look on his face was priceless.


      • Creator


        @kittenskysong HECK YEAH!

      • Emrys.the.warrior


        @kittenskysong I WANT THAT WOMAN TO BE MY GRANDMA

    • cyberfizz


      I had someone tell me it could be worse, that atleast I wasn't depressed (spoilers) I am infact depressed and they shut up about it lol

    • feellicks


      I think it's funny that people stop their cars for me to cross the street because I'm in a wheelchair. literally for no reason other than that. it's annoying when people stop right in front of me on the sidewalk like a deer in headlights tho. I have to use the sidewalk that they are on. directly in front of me

    • JCC


      Love when people say things like I have pain my pain is bad!! How can your pain be bad. I live with pain every day too. And I’m like does your pain keep you home from work does your pain stop you from working does your pain affect relationships, your marriage, friendships, going out, driving, house cleaning, moving, does your pain cause depression is your pain called the suicide disease? And they would say No and I will say ok than my pain is worse than yours!

      • Kell


        @JCC right. I agree.

    • JennK


      My ex-coworker thought it was hilarious when I switched around my words and told her that we needed to shampoo the carpets in the office. But instead it came out carpoo shampet. That was the first time, but certainly not the last time as I worked with her for 5 years. 😆

      • sassy_hacker


        @JennK I do that all the time 😂, I noticed from your profile we are pretty similar lol

    • Natti1076


      Dislocating my knee cap during sex. Having to drop out of school due to POTS right before a biology test about the autonomic nervous system. Going years with undiagnosed pernicious anemia and asking my gyno as I was leaving my last appointment, “do you think it could be an absorption issue,” to which she replied with, “that’s usually seen with IBD.” She still wrote on my labs that I’m not anemic despite being deficient in vitamin D and B12 again this year. It’s just laughable at this point. 👍

    • Asta


      One time I had a micro seizure in the middle of a presentation I was doing for class and I said “Oof that was fun” and continued with my presentation like I didn’t just do that. My teacher stopped me and was like “are you okay?” and I just said “yeah it happens, I’m good.” 😂 the look on my classmates faces was funny

      • Asta


        @Asta *Also as a note: a majority of my classmates knew and have seen me have one before so they weren’t surprised. We had a sub that day so they were trying not to laugh at the teachers reaction. Plus I felt it coming so I took the chance it was better having it standing than hurting myself sitting at my desk.

    • karizer


      i was singled out in a class in high school by a teacher because he knew i had anxiety. we had to present a project ,so instead of me taking the fail like i normally would, he called me first and made it really awkward and then stood there the whole time next to me holding my shoulders making sure i wouldn’t move while i read the whole thing in front of everyone.

      • lightestofheart


        @karizer that is so horrible

    • HeyReese


      After getting glutened on my lunch break, I 💩 my pants before reaching a room full of college students. Thankfully, it was a minor incident, and my pants were unscathed, but my underwear could not be saved 💀

    • Ivy_daley


      I was seeing a shadow man and I ran up to him and was like "YOU ARE EVEN REAL" and my dad had the funniest shocked look on his face

      • Ivy_daley


        @Ivy_daley Arent*

    • DJ_NoSmiles


      I have been excluded from my family like Mirabel and Bruno Madrigal.

      • Ash.G


        @DJ_NoSmiles I think I'm almost getting to this point I am the black sheep of the family and the eldest of the children. I have three siblings by the way and we're all 2 years apart from each other about.

    • maelpaso1313


      I have been so focused/engaged in a task that I have shit my pants several times 😂

    • WendyGoLucky


      I was talking to someone on the app about it but once, at work (I work at a seminary) we were talking about mental health and I opened up about my ADHD. One of my coworkers who grew up souther Baptist said “Well maybe you just need to pray about it.” Another coworker, who’s gay, responded to her with “Hm, pray it away? B/c that worked so well for us gays.” 🙄 I just about DIED when he said that! She turned beet red and quickly left talking about some “meeting” 🤣 Yea, ok Debbie, just pray away your humiliation


    • YunaFreya


      I have IC and was prescribed meds that would turn my urine different colors. I'd forget I'd taken it and go and then scare myself before remembering haha had bright orange urine sometimes

    • Yura


      I once was leaning over a stingray petting area and fainted, causing me to fall in. Dealing with pots as a child wasn’t fun as you can tell😅

      • Bre19


        @Yura oh no! Hopefully you didn't get hurt

    • Erin_


      One time I was drunk and depressed. I had to use the bathroom but I completely missed the toilet and I pissed on the floor and left it. The next morning my parents asked if I pissed on the floor and I blamed it on my cat.

    • RobynLee


      Karma's a real bitch, isn't it? 😉

    • graciehatestoes


      I was wearing my brace and a little girl asked if I was a warrior


      • Bre19


        @graciehatestoes awww

      • Ukor


        @graciehatestoes ok, that's not funny that's just adorable

    • Skwittles_22


      Have you tried Tylenol? (Mind you I also have chronic atypical migraine/cluster headaches, fibro and CRPS). Stupidest “advice” ever. 🤣

      • Bre19


        @Skwittles_22 people don't understand

    • Kell


      Some doctors have told me it’s all in my head.

      • Redvelninja


        @Kell and that was about a year or two ago

      • Redvelninja


        @Kell that sucks I had went through anxiety attacks and basically got told that I was "overreacting" and that what I was worried about was "all in my head" and that was from a family member

      • Bre19


        @Kell they don't get it

    • Addix


      Probably just laughing uncontrollably for two hours and freaking the heck out of my classmates

      • Bre19


        @Addix oh geez, that must hurt, though

    • Kijo


      I get a lot of when I'm in the grocery store or stopping without my locker okay I heard this lady is drunk because I tend to stumble or lose my balance and I wobble but I think I'm a drunk LOL

    • Jen9


      I was hanging out with a friend and we were sitting there, chilling. Mid-sentence I had an anxiety attack and popped right out of my chair. My friend rolled with it and stood up too.

    • SaraVirginia



    • Toastyfae


      My old doctor started dismissing my tics as me just wanting attention, despite me physically ticcing. I had a verbal tic and ended up calling him an " old twat" to his face

    • Nat_Nat


      This is kind of weird question. Maybe it's the wording, but it's really hard for me to laugh at myself for my condition while it causes me so much pain. Some ironic stuff has happened, but I don't think I'm at a point to look back and laugh about it.

    • Cam_Cam


      Hi 🥺

    • Soapyspencer


      Ok so I have dyslexia and anciety, and someone in my class said jokingly to me " what are you dyslexic?" And I looked at him and paused for a second and said " yea" he was like: 😟

      • Creator


        @Soapyspencer Lol, I love seeing people's reactions to those types of scenarios.

    • xenith


      i’m not sure if it’s really a specific moment but when my friends are like running or walking really fast in school i say something like “hey guys please wait for the old person, you know i’m basically 90 years old”

    • zenosparadox


      I was at a party and I mentioned being disabled. One of the people there said I had to be lying, because I didn’t look disabled… so I took my shirt off and showed them my spinal scar (which runs from the nape of my neck to the base of my spine. They stopped arguing.

      • Ash.G


        @zenosparadox unfortunately most of my disabilities are internal it sucks because it's so invisible. And the one disability that is not got fixed what it was three at least partially it got fixed in the sense that my thumbs don't walk but now I get phantom pains in the joints. I've also had people that thought that I did not actually have nvld because I am not always nonverbal. But there are times when I go semi nonverbal.

      • Creator


        @zenosparadox Shame you had to do that just to prove it, but also such a straightforward bada** move to shut them up.

    • Mogs


      Someone thought my service dog was for dyslexia. Like what is he going to do?? Tell me how to spell??


    • leafs


      Most recent funny thing was this morning. I made it all the way down to the lower level of my apartment building and was about to walk out the door to take my dog for a walk, and realized I wasn’t wearing shoes lmao. I thought that kind of thing only happened in cartoons about people with ADHD 🥴

    • will24


      nothing. i usually just wind up being mean if someone says something "funny" (ie rude, insensitive, condescending) to show them how truly awful they're being

    • Picklelover21


      Oh also if I didn’t make this clear I’m not going back to see her🤷🏽‍♀️

    • atn00


      mostly just people offering their “advice” for conditions i’ve been dealing with for nearly a decade. “have you tried meditating/yoga/xyz?” yes, yes i have 😂

    • Picklelover21


      A literal psychiatrist telling me that I don’t have tics it’s all compulsive and that I’m going to hurt someone when it’s literally not compulsive but actually involuntary and I can’t help it! Then proceeds to tell me that I’m not hearing voices in my head that it’s just my Conscience. Then proceeded to tell me that I need to go back to (insert horrible mental facility here) and get evaluated. Then proceeded to keep asking me if all the conditions I have ate things I know I have or think I have. Lady I really do think I know my body better than you. You just met me and we’ve been on this zoom meeting for like 20 minutes. SLOW DOWN! 😭😑

    • Dollie


      My gym teacher told me to "just run around" when I told him I was short of breath. 1 hour later I was in the nurses office and had to use my asthma breathing machine while my mom yelled at my gym teacher and the school nurse. (This was in 2nd grade when my asthma was HORRIBLE)

    • Beautysparkles


      I hate the horrendous headaches.

    • archer


      I always say I'll get there at some point I'm not fast but I learned that slow is ok with a good sense of humor

    • DaylongMiseryy


      Being told I can't be autistic because everything seems fine, that because I graduated and seemingly take care of myself, that I'm not struggling with anything! Let alone being nuerodivergent. 😓 It's so incredibly tiring.

    • Lepsy


      I was manic, started painting my door an ugly shade of blue, suddenly sunk, looked at my sister and was like "the regrets are here" it was upsetting in the moment but looking back was pretty funny

    • MissMatched


      When I was in middle and high school I was in classes for the learning disabled. (Come to find out I had severe trauma impacting my learning.) So, here is the funny thing. I took a placement test to see what I should do after high school (remember, no college, to dumb) and it said I should be a skating rink attendant. I presented it to my school counselor and she said, "nah, maybe you should do window dressing the mannequins at the mall." So when I graduated from a private college with a bachelor's in social work and a minor in psychology with honors (4.0 all the way through baby!!!) I took that damn thing that I worked so hard for and said. I can now take your job. She was stunned!!!


    • Fallen2122


      I got told by a therapist for my depression that I needed to smile more and that I'm fine I only saw her 3 times and stopped going after those comments

    • AnimeOverwatchGamer


      Everytime I pass by this picture I think it's a sponsored ad. lmao

      • Bre19


        @AnimeOverwatchGamer lol

    • LilyWild


      I was a surrogate and my family was unsupportive. They have caused my anxiety. So I told them if they didn't support me, they couldn't come to my wedding. They faked support. I cut them off, moved 1000 miles away, and eloped.


      • Creator


        @LilyWild Bada**.

    • Riddik


      My beloved Pakistani for a very long time just thought I was lazy because I can't work and declared disabled. Then about a year ago he started having panic attacks cause he lost his entire family savings. He come to me changing his attitude about my condition which is far worse than just panic attack and said "I am so sorry, I had no idea what you were really facing".

      • Ash.G


        @Riddik At least he gets it now.

    • Riva


      So I am forever getting sick. This year flu season I got strep and took off a day of work. When I came back my boss laughed and said “how do you always get sick with something else when a completely different thing is going around?” Well. That same day I started feeling really sick, got sent home from work in a cab to a doctor. And tested positive for flu!

    • LavenderPoppy


      I feel that so much!!!!^^^ I’m known as the cute weird girl who kinda silly because my deafness and anxiety produce some strange content sometimes!! 😂

    • Cursed_Lil_Furby


      Forgetting stuff constantly, falling asleep while sitting up, mixing up words, having lots of energy some days,and sleepy delerium all have gotten me very far socially, because most people always thought I was funny, but really it was just symptoms of my conditions

    • Ena


      I always get my words bass awards. I do it so naturally most people don't catch it right away. But, when they do we all have a good laugh. My daughter said I could make a fortune selling product jingles. In fact she has started writing them down. So my legacy to my children is my messed up words. Could be worse lol

    • 626_Kelly


      Gracias por todo lo que me voy al cine y a la casa del rey mi hermana que te amo mi vida y que gracias amor amor te llamo y me voy al amor

    • maya.m.may


      Definitely my mom's boyfriend asking my mom if I'm just faking being in pain because he has self diagnosed arthritis in his hands and my body hurting from getting really really sick due to dialysis regimen not working properly

      • LILUZI


        @maya.m.may HAVE YOU TRIED NEURONTON?

    • zia827


      i’d say going to the bathroom after putting my dinner in the oven to come back out to see it sitting there very uncooked


    • clover99


      We all tend to question ourselves and think "am I really sick?", And one night during a migraine, my mother let me use a leftover opiate that she had from her surgery, and it BARELY affected my migraine. And I thought "OH YEAH I actually am as ill as we thought!"


    • Brookevc


      throwing up a whole milkshake at my exes house because i forgot i was severely lactose intolerant 😂😭😭


    • 626_Kelly


      Hola cómo estás que me llames por todo mi amor gracias a ti por todo lo que me voy al amorre

    • GuitarGal24


      A nurse was asking about my previous medical conditions and I said “ POTS” and she said, no not substances you use I haven’t gotten to that yet. Then I noticed on my medical record later it said “ Patient stated that she smokes marijuana” - I don’t !


    • Roboman140


      My mom gets migraines

    • TreePerson


      I thought I didn’t get migraines. Then I realized that constant visual snow and vertigo weren’t like- normal.


      • Bre19


        @TreePerson woah that is interesting

    • Ari22


      1) Was with a guy he tried to kiss me, I panicked and slapped him with a piece of pizza. 2) Sad “pot” instead of “a pot”, whole room laughed.


    • jolyne


      my high school principal laughed in my face when i asked if being hospitalized was an excused absence, even when i brought proof of hospitalization. he said "hahaha you're kidding, right? no." (they are, btw). 💀 also i used to eat food out of the trash LMFAO.


      • StrawberryMilk


        @jolyne LOL…

    • Peaches_1224


      I love Everytime I go in and I’ve lost more weight and they’re like oh wow! Really dripping them pounds. Yes. I’m on topomax. Starvation will do that.


    • bae.beeee


      I have a nervous tic where I just sigh/laugh and it sounds exactly like the minecraft villager sound :)


      • Bre19


        @bae.beeee interesting

      • Frapples


        @bae.beeee aw, that's so precious

      • Claude03


        @bae.beeee I also have some tics that can be funny. I sometimes have a tic where I meow like a cat. It’s realistic enough that some of my classmates thought a cat got in.

        • MorganVL


          @Claude03 same but I was in the backseat of the car and did the realistic meow tic and my parents stopped the car and looked in the backseat asking if I snuck a kitten or stray cat into the car and I'm like, "nope, it was just me"

      • Teotl


        @bae.beeee the squidward sound?

    • Careabear


      My psychiatrist told me to “try to chill”. Wow, you think I haven’t thought of that. He has been fired.


      • Bre19


        @Careabear wow!

      • CaptainHolmes


        @Careabear I'm sorry you experienced that! I had one tell me to "just think positive" in response to everything I told her. So I started listing potential positives off the situation. She said "See, you're really good at this!" I responded, "I know I am, yet it's not working!" I stopped seeing her.

      • Mah


        @Careabear unbelievable!!!!

    • Waterparks


      (EDS) when i popped my shoulder out of place for the first time. everyone in my family tried to pop it back and no one could get it, even my nurse dad. pulling into the hospital, we took a sharp turn and there was a loud pop! it went back in! drove all that way for nothing.


      • Bre19


        @Waterparks oh goodness

    • Student_girl


      My joints randomly popping out when I’m with people and them totally freaking out even though they know I have EDS and see me walking with my crutches every day. People either laugh, are grossed out, or panic


    • Sfa


      April I think he won first place, If there was the first place I can’t imagine the horror that you felt when that happened or the horror. he felt when you did it

    • Blu1


      My husband always tells me to man up(I am a woman & he is a man)

      • KratomEater


        @Blu1 that’s not a very nice thing to say. Sounds pretty sexist too. He clearly has no idea how strong women are🤦🏽 (I’m a man just to be clear) but I guarantee he wouldn’t last a second at work with cramps and bleeding. He’d be laying in bed crying asking for soup from you. I urge you to get one of those period cramp simulators and put it on both of you. See who moans, cries and takes them off first…him.😂

    • Florina


      Sooo once we learned what my complex migraines were and that I wasn’t actually continuously have strokes (I did have one the first time hence the fear), I joke around with my parents about them the most. My moms a c 5-6 quadriplegic so she understands that I cope with humor, as does she. I was laying in bed, in the dark, waiting for the meds to kick in, and my dad came walking in my room with the light on in the hallway and I told him my head hurt, he said something along the lines of you still need to take your other meds etc. I get nauseous with migraines so it makes it harder to do so without getting sick. I sat up, looked at him, and said “my brain is telling me it doesn’t like you and to turn off the light, it’s angry” for whatever reason he busted out laughing and turned off the lights since my brain asked and “not me” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


      • EatenByWormy


        @Florina omg I’ve had those migraines too!! Awful

    • Sfa


      It was good that you were able to laugh at yourself

    • Sfa


      Lol, Sounds like you made a friend a very good one

    • Danlosdude


      I can’t remember the funniest but something that just happened is I went to call my nurse and he said look out your window I’m right here. I said my windows are shut and right now I’m on the 17th floor of the hospital and the nurse was talking about the window that went into the hallway not the one going outside and he gave me crap about it the rest of the night lol he said well Pride myself as a nurse but I can’t fly! Lol


    • Sfa


      I have always been told that it takes a village and I believe that because without friends and family I don’t think I can get through it I experienced a divorce in 2016 and then with extreme stress I’ve got into another relationship not a bad relationship but I just put myself in the situation I didn’t need to be in at the time. And while I was with this individual is when I got sick he was very supportive of me with all that I went through and even though I gained so much weight as a result of the sepsis because I had such a large amount of bacteria in my body and it made my body swell and grotesque I just have a lot of respect for him sticking behind me when some men would walk away.


    • Sfa


      Friends to laugh with you but be there strong not making fun of you


    • spookyspoonie


      When my Crohns disease was killing me at 14, a new youth pastor from my family's church came to pray for me. It was the first time he'd ever had to go to a hospital for a kid from his group. He was with 2 other pastors. They put their hands over me and he started praying. He only got 1 sentence in before I started projectile vomiting blood across the room. Scary moment, funny memory. He's a cool dude, total metalhead, horror-obsessed guy like me. Today he describes it as both the most badass thing he's ever seen 😂


      • Creator


        @spookyspoonie Amazing. I really must applaud.

      • EatenByWormy


        @spookyspoonie YOOOOO 😭😭😭

      • Ukor


        @spookyspoonie The exorcist could never


    • Noodlemum


      When I look at bent objects/trees and say "hey look it's my back". And all my friends laugh 😂 scoliosis for the win


      • Bre19


        @Noodlemum that's a good one

      • sabbymer


        @Noodlemum niiiiiiice, I have have it too and would totally say something like that. That's hilarious

      • Skelliosis


        @Noodlemum groovy spine syndrome gang rise up 🙌🤣


      • arsynwisteria12


        @Noodlemum that used to be me and then i got surgery and now we joke about how i have metal inside me😅


        • sabbymer


          @arsynwisteria12 Id say I was bionic!!! hehehe

    • Sfa


      That is so off for them to say woman up especially if they’re not experiencing what you’re experiencing. My battle is a constant aggressive battle that I have to go through and then only am I type 2 Diabetic but I became this because I had become sepsis. I had this as well as c- diff. I have no idea where I got it but you can die from one and I have both it damaged my pancreas my gallbladder my liver and made me a type two diabetic so my diet is very strict as far as no hamburger ,no sausage, and I gotta be very strict with eating very little or no fried food. If one of my friends told me that I would be very offended because they don’t know my battle just like they don’t know your battle and how strict you have to be. I have to take insulin every night if I’m not physically active during the day I have to take more


    • Spanketti


      Someone told me "it's not so bad, woman up" and they got a migraine for the first time the next day... I told them the same thing. 😆


      • Bre19


        @Spanketti people don't understand

      • StrawberryMilk


        @Spanketti GOOD HAHA

      • EatenByWormy


        @Spanketti the schadenfreude is delicious 👌🏽🤣

      • Vyowleta


        @Spanketti LOL

      • BernK


        @Spanketti karma

      • Iwantkoreanhotdogs


        @Spanketti HAHAHA slay.

      • JinMar


        @Spanketti 👍👍👍

      • Alliekatt


        @Spanketti poetic justice (though I don't wish migraines on anyone)

      • Twinkle_Star


        @Spanketti Karma 🙌

      • Skelliosis


        @Spanketti i swear i almost asked if you were my mama bc she did this samething to her now roommate who said "migraines could never compare to the pain SHE faces" but then got surgery done which resulted in migraines and a realization that comparing illnesses to one-up someone just swings open the door for karma lol


        • Ash.G


          @Skelliosis yeah it sucks to be compared with because to be honest every disability is disabling to the person who has it hence the name disability. While not every disability affects people in the same exact way it's really upsetting to be the person who's told that your disability isn't as disabling as the other person's because they can hide it better. You never know what is truly going on in another person's life that is why I don't say that mine is worse or at least I do my best not to. I have done that with weather but not with disabilities usually. So there are a lot of times when I will say that another person's is worse than mine because of issues with being called too sensitive and overreacting.

    • Golly


      Nothing. The best is making others realize how intolerant of disabilities they are.


      • Alfubet


        @Golly I get nasty looks and comments all the time for using the handicap stall in public restrooms and my favorite comeback is, “Oh and you didn’t look ignorant, guess we’re both wrong. Have a nice day.”

      • Iwantkoreanhotdogs


        @Golly wait this was the wrong chat I meant for the one below you I’m so sorry

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