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Updated 11mo ago

Forgetting to take meds - anyone else?

Anyone almost/or doubled your dosage of meds for the day because you forgot you took it already? (thankfully I remembered I used blue raspberry sour patch kids jello then applesauce, to take it before Leaving the house or I would've) Also just curious anyone else get into a routine and then it messes up your memory so you can't tell if you took your meds or not? because you could be remembering the day before. (PS I've tried alarms, and pill containers) I basically just restarted fluoxetine even though I was supposed to be consistently taking it the whole time, just because I can't keep a routine, I even fell off of my testosterone gel routine... >.>

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yep! it’s super normal to get into the routine then not be sure if you took your meds or not; my pill planner really helps me and i just refill it at the end of the week



I use fluoxetine too, and I have made many accidents doing that until I started using a pill planner. I recommend one of those as well because it’ll help tell you when you need to get them refilled and how soon! Don’t sweat it, it will only make you a little sleepy but try to avoid doing that! If you’ve already tried a pill organizer, get 2 racks to place your pill bottles in, separate the two racks, and when you’re finished taking a medication, place it in the other rack, labeling it the finished one. I hope this helps you :)



Yes! I kept doing this and then running out of my meds sooner than I was supposed to. I got this pill bottle that restarts a stop watch every time you open it so you can see how long it's been since the last time you took it. It helps a lot! I hate having alarms so they aren't helpful for me but this is because it doesn't beep or anything just let's you know how many hours it's been since it was last opened. It's called BudCap Timer I got it on Amazon.



Oh yes, that's very relatable. I actually bought an entire month pill organizer on Amazon. It had 31 days of individual containers divided up into individual portions form morning/noon/evening/night and you could just grab and go for trips and vacations. It was a god send for keeping track and avoiding any dreaded "oops, I've run out of meds moments."

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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