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Updated 1y ago

First Psychiatrist Consultation: Anxiety, OCD and ADHD Medication

I’m going to have my first psychiatrist consultation next week. I expect the psychiatrist will prescribe me medication for anxiety/OCD and possibly ADHD. To be honest, I am quite scared of that… I have read or heard about aggressive side effects, addictive and long-term treatment. Anyone wants to share their experience?

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It really depends on how your body reacts to the meds. Everyone is different so I can't give you an easy answer. I can tell you though that those types of meds will make you drowsy and sometimes dizzy. My meds worked for me. I hope they'll work for you!



thank you for mmmm sharing. I’ve heard about the same. My major concern is whether drowsiness and dizziness will make it difficult to keep up with work. But I guess this is anxiety speaking and I will never know if I don’t try first

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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