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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Fighting in My Head

does anyone fight in their and struggles to prevent the issue from worsening? I don't know how to exactly ask this.

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Well I always think what is the problem exactly. What are the symptoms? What makes them easier and likewise harder. For me learning what to do when I get so overwhelmed I have to leave and get out of a social situation was hard for a very long time. Not understanding why I felt this way and what to do about it. I learned that the more I went through in life and paid attention to my life the more I could spot things that could possibly set me off. Like If I already feel like shit and are nervous. If I really have no real emotional strings to what it is (Like a birth or wedding of a dear friend, graduation ect.) & my partner is ok with it Ill stay home. Then there are times you cant avoid the responsibility of showing up and being accountable. Those are a Lil harder. But weather easy or hard you have to dive into who you are and what you need and want out of life. Pay attention to your triggers and what sets you off. What makes you feel super uncomfortable and slowly try to get used to that thing until it no longer bothers you. Anything can help. I wish you the best of luck



It seems to get worse. For me anyway. I hope it levels out.



I actually do in certain environments or situations. Certain things and places trigger me and certain situations and events and going to certain places where something traumatic happened trigger the night terrors. For example I was abused by my uncle and my narcissistic step mom made my life a living nightmare when I lived with her. Also my grandma passed away from cancer in her home in 2015 and we had to take care of her and basically watch her die. My dad, my grandparents and my aunt all live in the boonies basically right next door or right across the road from each other. So for years even after my uncle went to prison and my step mom up and left my dad and I moved into my own apartment, I couldn't go to their house or visit them or even to the small ghost town they live in without having night terrors. I even had night terrors whenever I would be walking through the boonies for awhile too. Also being in a couple of bad relationships triggered me to have night terrors about the situation while I was in those relationships. So yeah it's still a real struggle to keep my PTSD symptoms from getting worse certain things that are not under my control and inevitably having to go to or walk past some of the places where the traumatic events happened make it really hard and the fact that a lot of guys in the town I live in now are very thirsty and swarming me wanting to come to my apartment and wanting to have sex and all that not wanting to take "no" for an answer they definitely tend to say and do some things that remind me of when I was violated by my uncle and make my symptoms worse making me think they're going to do the same thing. That's why I've recently started to distance myself from other people especially men and put myself first and focus on doing the things I want to do instead of trying to find love or help or take care of others who would likely take me for granted and use me. This has helped to keep the night terrors under control. I still have them but not near as often.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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