Hi there! Definitely sounds like a flare-up to me, whether it's officially fibromyalgia or not. Fibro likes to play well with other diagnoses and conditions, so there are a number of symptoms that could still be fibro or something related.
Flares are not a fun time, and it really sucks that you're there! For me, best practice during a flare is a few things:
1. I minimize sensory input. Everything in my body is shrieking with inflammation or pain or fatigue. I need a dark room, white noise, to be alone, to be in bed with a weighted blanket.
2. I hydrate like crazy. Water is never a bad idea, and during a flare, it becomes crucial because it's a really easy thing to overlook when everything hurts.
3. I eat protein every couple of hours. Doesn't need to be fancy. Trail mix, almond or peanut butter, grilled cheese, scrambled egg, protein bar, mixed nuts, yogurt. If the rest of my system is out of whack, a simple way for me to support my system is to maintain my blood sugar levels.
4. I do what sounds/feels good. Feel like crying? Do it. Feel like napping? Do it. Feel like sitting outside in the sunshine? Do it. Read, scroll, watch comedy on YouTube. Take a bath or a shower. Break out the self-care stuff. Now is the time to give yourself the support you need.
5. I reach out and let people know and ask for help if need be. I message my therapist. I start clearing things off my schedule that aren't completely necessary (and it's necessary if it's a doctor's appointment or picking up a prescription, for me) for the next week or so. I let a couple of trusted friends know and ask them to drop off chicken soup or groceries if I need it. I leave my doctor a message if I need to discuss symptoms or meds.
6. I really, really watch my mental health. Being in pain is exhausting. Being exhausted is exhausting. Stomach issues are exhausting. It's easy to get drained and depleted and then to slide (for me) into depression or anxiety or negative self-talk or judging myself. None of that helps. Try a self-compassion practice or some meditation or journaling.
Hope that helps! ๐