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Updated 10mo ago

Using Mobility Aids for Fibromyalgia Pain: Tips Needed

Does anyone with fibromyalgia use mobility aids? Sometimes my pain keeps me very limited and I have been looking to speak to my doctor about using some off and on, but im not sure how to address it to them. Any tips?

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I use a cane and a wheelchair. I would address by explaining how the aid would aid you. For example, a wheelchair is freedom for me because standing and walking is very fatigue inducing and painful for me so being able to sit and still get around is super helpful. I use a cane because in short distances I can walk it helps me pace myself, gives support, and helps my balance. Advocating for yourself is hard when it’s for something you haven’t tried before but I find mobility aids very helpful. I hope it works out for you ❤️



@unluckyunicorn how did you decide the chair was the right choice for you? When did you know you were ready? I’m teetering on the edge



Rosie_Posey, I decided that when I realised I couldn’t really go shopping anymore. If I did, I would flare for days and be so sick it wasn’t worth it. I stopped doing things and hanging out with people because I didn’t have the mobility without pain and flaring anymore. When I realised I was isolating myself and that a wheelchair could help me go out more, do more things, and live my life. You have to think “would having this benefit me more than not having it?” For me that was yes. It was a hard decision because I didn’t want to admit how hard mobility is for me but it’s been such a blessing to have. And if you’re worried about other people commenting on it, remember you have limited energy and you owe no one an explanation. If it helps you, it helps and that’s all you need



I've tried wheelchairs, canes and forearm crutches before (a friend I was visiting who is also chronically ill let me see how their mobility aids worked since we have similar conditions), and they helped me immensely. I also need to talk to my Dr. about it to get my own, and I'd just be honest about how your mobility is becoming limited and that you feel you would benefit from using aids.



@Unluckyunicorn Thank you so much!! i completely relate to your pain experience. next time i see a doctor, i will totally try that



I'm afraid of needing a wheelchair but some days I really just can not move I was diagnosed a month ago. I'm only 28 and I'm not going to lie I'm afraid.



Annnd I said afraid twice🤦‍♀️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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