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Updated 10mo ago

Fibromyalgia and Mental Health: The Connection Between Pain and Emotions

Does your fibromyalgia increase your depression or anxiety?

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During the worst flares, I have had suicidal ideation. The seemingly unending torrent of pain has sort of cemented my depression into a constant companion. When my pain is high and I have run out of things to try to fix it, my anxiety skyrockets, so I try to take a nap. I know it sounds dumb, but slowing down and giving myself a chance to process all the pain I’m in generally brings it down a little, and surrounding myself with people willing to help when I get overwhelmed has been invaluable.



Absolutely. Sometimes it is hard for me to know which condition comes first (chicken/egg)… they feed into each other. Makes it hard to be hopeful and makes one feel helpless. I nap a lot too. …Hoping it’s more about self-care than avoidance of life and the anxious feelings, but I secretly wonder if I’m self-sabotaging …another thing that’s hard to tell.



I can relate, but sometimes my anxiety keeps me from sleeping! So frustrating! I get tired of going to doctors who do not always understand, so I just rest. If all factors such as weather, stress, diet, supplements, meds align properly I may be able to have one good day a week. It is tedious to spend so much effort on self care only to feel awful. I hope we each get some relief because we deserve it and need it!



I finally had to start taking meds for anxiety and sleep. I go to therapy. It is a good way to get it out of my head. I stop feeling guilty for diseases I didn’t ask for.



Abso-fricken-lutely!! In fact, the time I had to be hospitalized for mental health reasons happened because I was feeling so incredibly overwhelmed and suicidal over how much fibro pain I was having that day and how hopeless I was feeling about it never getting any better.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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