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1y ago

Fibromyalgia and Memory Loss: Anyone Else Experiencing This?

Hey anyone with fibro does anyone suffer with memory loss? like brain fog? cause mine is getting a lot worse and I'm getting worried I'm going to try speak doctors on Monday but I'm just worried and wondered if anyone could relate? xx

Your answer



11mo ago

Definitely not alone. If you like strategy game apps, there are a lot of free ones out there. They are shown to be helpful renuilding concentration and logic pathways. They helped me.


11mo ago

All the time! And it's just amplified by everything else I've got going on. Brain fog is a huge part of fibromyalgia, so you definitely aren't alone!


11mo ago

Yeah, it happens. My memory - particularly short term - isn't good if I have a brain fog episode. I think the experience uses up so much bandwidth, it can be simply too taxing to remember simple things. I try, where I can, to be relatively calm and patient, so that the stress doesn't zap my resources more than I should, and to take my time with things so that I have more room to remember things.


1y ago

I've been really struggling with memory too🤍and also like processing what people are saying to be so that I can respond...have an appointment next week to talk to my Doctor hopefully will be able to find a way to manage it 🤍💃🤗


1y ago

Yes 🫠 you’re certainly not alone.


1y ago

This is a daily battle it seems


1y ago

same here the ignorance of others is literally killing me sorry you're going through this hell.too xsame here the ignorance of others is literally killing me sorry you're going through this hell.too x


1y ago

god yeah i feel like ive become stupid, which is in and of itself a stupid thing to be worried about, but combined with my "gifted smart kid" complex i feel worthless _(:3」∠)_ i dont feel that way about anyone else with various types of brain fog, i don't talk to many people (you can count the people i interact with regularly on 1 hand) but my language tutor is a double stroke patient who has her own brain fog, and the idea of considering her as somehow lesser because of it feels absurd and irritating... especially because i understand the feeling even if its surely quite different as an experience... she forgets words or what shes doing all the time! and i just offer the word if i can come up with it. theres no judgement or anything, just being glad i can understand, and glad she's less likely to judge me for forgetting basic words... but when it comes to my feelings about myself? im just always terrified its because i took too many medicines/drugs and that, now that i want to see my life happen, i'm too late in starting to care about myself... something strange like that. the way i've been isolated because of my illness, my experiences being shamed by doctors who couldn't understand them, and all the awful experiences being shamed for not performing well enough as i grew up all combine to make a self-doubt self-hatred monster. i hate that it ebbs and flows, too. some days i have good days and can actually get things done. my head clears up enough that i can process doing tasks without forgetting (adhd combined with dissociation and on top of it, fog is... an experience) and actually get them done within a reasonable timeframe. like, when i was growing up, i had dissociative memory issues, adhd concentration and derailed train of thought issues, and i learned to tell them apart. and now i have a third experience that feels like head pressure, fatigue of the mind, and my brain just generally not sending signals. forgetting things 5 seconds after i think of them because i can barely even hold one thought in my head at a time, much less anything else in my environment. feeling like a fool when talking to people because i have to focus hard on what i'm saying to get a coherent if somewhat choppy/slow thought across. having to describe things with more than one word because i can't even think of enough of the word i want to find it as a synonym to one of the words i can think of. (and as someone whos bilingual, only remembering the word or term in my second language and not my first. lol) its why i like writing to communicate, because i can go back and review my message for mistaken words or bad sentences as many times as i need, take my time looking for the right words, rephrase things that didn't get the right meaning across... and i can ponder what i actually want to get across for much longer too, get distracted and/or forget what i was saying as many times as i need, go back and check what i wrote to remind myself. it feels like i can use an art to express myself in the ways that i otherwise can no longer do most of the time. its as unfortunate as it is affirming to see that others struggle with the same thing. especially the aphasia, because i feel so much shame around it. knowing that it's really not just me lifts some of that shame


1y ago

don't beat yourself up. I feel ya on so many aspects of this. My mom makes me think I'm fkn crazy. When I need to go to the store and she needs anything she tell me. I tell her to text me so I don't forget. She's like oh give me a break. Oh I'm sorry, my brain isn't like everyone else's. I will literally forget everything in less than a minute. I swear to God I feel like Dory in Finding Nemo. I won't remember a name or person or face after meeting someone five minutes ago. And that shit gives me massive anxiety and super panic attacks. And yet I can't get on disability for anything even though I really can't work because of all this and more. They just don't understand me at all. My parents don't understand me, drs don't get me. I'm at the breaking point. I just want to give up.


1y ago

In the middle of my sentence and most consist of “ummmm um I don’t know what I was saying umm”


1y ago

Every day I have this I keep thinking I'm going mad 😂 glad I'm not! ""'


1y ago

everyday! it’s horrible but you have to learn to manage it, let people around you know and they will be able to understand you when you’re struggling and need some extra support! xx


1y ago

Yeah, sometimes it's scary.


1y ago



1y ago

All the time love


1y ago

Why can't the doctors give us something for it?? Like there are so many of us going thru the same with (just lost the word)* scroll up, find the word even though i just read it ugh 😞 *oh yeah fibromyalgia.....and i just forgot everything I was gonna write 😭 they just need to do something about it.


1y ago

Memory loss sucks. prayers! Writing things down helps and especially having people to help verify information, dates, & etc


1y ago

My memory is really bad. Sometimes I can see in my head what I want to say but it won't come out of my mouth. I get so frustrated with myself.


1y ago

Every day. Brain fog is probably the worst part for me. And aphasia. I use the wrong words or forget words all of the time. My mom said the word "mug" the other day and it took me a good 2 minutes to remember what a mug was.


1y ago

Absolutely. "Fibro fog" as many of us call it is no joke. It can be really scary, but just know you're not alone and it's pretty common with fibromyalgia


1y ago

Yes I have the WORST memory!


1y ago

It's really sad that it's become "normal" noone ever told me what I'd deal with. Or what my symptoms were from. It's scary at times.


1y ago

Ugh I totally can relate. A couple of years ago I started losing my words. I was 21 I think? Anyway I thought it would go away but it’s continued and my partner finishes my sentences most days. You are not alone. It’s so hard but just know that you’re not crazy!! It’s totally common with fibro. 💕 💕


1y ago

Yes! It's immensely frustrating. I can remember some things, but then I'll have a lot of brain fog come in and I can't seem to remember a lot of things. For me, I've also had ECT done in the past for depression and that's made my memory way worse. I know that's not supposed to be the case with most individuals now, so I'm not really sure what's "normal" brain fog and memory issues, what's my Fibromyalgia, and what is the ECT memory issues. It can be super scary and immensely frustrating. It's even more frustrating the way my brain automatically seems to pick and choose what it thinks is important, but I remember lots of useless stuff, and forget all sorts of, what I feel are, important things. You're not alone. Not sure that brings much, if any comfort, but just remember, you're not alone, and if you ever want to talk, I'm willing to.


1y ago

I’ve been having horrible brain fog lately, and my memory is so weak and so bad. I’m honestly scared about it. The memory loss is terrifying and the overwhelming brain fog is exhausting and so frustrating. You’re not alone!


1y ago

Frankly I think my drs are sick of seeing me and don't believe a word I say. And when I say something to my parents, it's always," oh join the club". I even the drs I've hit my head numerous times, I've got these odd little bumps on my head. 3 of them and they hurt. I get headaches too. But does anyone care to listen, nope. I'm 43 with the mind of a 23 year old maybe younger. And no I'm not just saying that. I'm like for real. But no one believes me. I'm in tears. I can't handle being alive anymore.


1y ago

🫂 feel free to message me. I know the struggle of getting anyone, including Drs to listen to you. It took me 20+ years. Hang in there!


1y ago

I've been worried about this since my pain got bad. I've had memory tests done and this see my logic is down but that's it. They tell me to just play brain games and there isn't anything they can do -_-


1y ago

Its just starting to really worry me xx


1y ago

I can understand that. I recently told my Neurologist about how bad my memory and brain fog is. She sent me for multiple tests, including psychological and brain function. It's showing a slowing in processing in my frontal lobe. 😞 still have more tests to do. Not sure what can be done about it yet, but at least I will have an answer as to what is going on. It is definitely scary.


1y ago

Yes, it’s a constant battle


1y ago

All. The. Time. Sometimes it takes me 3 hours to do a 1 hour task when I’m having a really “foggy” day. Hang in there!

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