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Updated 10mo ago

Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia: Seeking Advice on Coping

hi there,I'm new to someone who has recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I was hoping for advice on fitness,food, and how others cope with pain and feeling tired all of the time.

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I have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia



I've been living with fibromyalgia since 1998, and back then most doctors didn't believe it was a true illness. In my experience I haven't had any luck with change of diet, but it did help with my IBS. If you're able to, low impact exercise can help. I eventually had to go to a pain management doctor, which has really helped. I also had to stop fighting the fact that I need more rest/sleep than most. Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask!



Most people with Fibromyalgia have things that trigger it off one of the most common is Aspartame. I have Fibro and can't have Aspartame. But I warn you that means about the only soft drink you can have is full sugar Coca-Cola or full sugar Pepsi. 7up, Fanta and all the zero sugar fizzy drinks have Aspartame in them. You have to watch out for the squashes as well. You just look in the ingredients list



I recommend tracking food, drinks, and movement to see what works and what triggers. For me, I do a gluten free diet and avoid artificial sweeteners and nightshades. I also try to walk most days and recently started yoga. Those are things that work for me. Your experience may be different. For pain management, I love heat, heating pads and warm baths are a lifesaver for me. I also meditate. Medito is a great free app for guided meditation. The fatigue still gets me down. I try to schedule rest after work. I pace when I can. And I listen to my body. If she says it's time to rest, we rest. Gentle hugs.



Hi! 🤗 I have fibromyalgia too, feel free to message me any time if you want to talk about anything! 💗 regular but gentle exercise is good for fibromyalgia, particularly things like swimming and yoga. Food wise I don’t think changing anything with that helps me or changes my pain, I just try to eat some healthy meals but still enjoy what I like to eat. To cope with pain I recommend getting prescribed Pregabalin, it’s good for fibromyalgia and anxiety. However the main thing that helps me with pain is stretching and heat. Hot water bottles are a life saver! The key to managing the pain is knowing your limit. You have to listen to your body and know when enough is enough. Rest when you need to and schedule time to sleep as much as you need to. I hope this helps! ☺️



I was just diagnosed yesterday. I'm wondering the same thing ❤️



Cut down on sugar, avoid foods that aggravate inflammation, Hot Showers are very helpful too. Avoid pop and other sugary drinks. I also have found that Lyrica helps eliminate my “ restless body” feeling.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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