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Updated 11mo ago

Feeling Undiagnosed: Anyone Else?

anyone else feel like there’s more diagnosis than you currently have? like you know there’s something else going on but you can’t describe it to get help?

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yes, what I've found to work is to google your symptoms and research the diagnoses associated with them or to talk to a doctor about your symptoms and see what they might think it could be.



Yes. For the past 3 yrs I've been told I have gasteroparesis and my stomach doesn't work. After a surgical feeding tube placed and a year of that, I'm still throwing up undigested food, bloating, in pain and nauseous and the doctors are trying to tell me my stomach works fine. And these are heads of the gasteroparesis clinic at Cleveland clinic so I feel like where else do I go from here? Everyone else is a step down



My gyno did a diagnostic laparoscopy to search for endometriosis and found nothing. He wasn’t trained for endo and I found out it can take multiple tries and can also be hidden or microscopic. I literally can’t have sex anymore without screaming in pain and bleeding for weeks after. So much for ever dating again, lol. I’ve given up.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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