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Updated 11mo ago

Feeling Invalid in My Illness

idk if it’s just me bur does anyone else not feel “sick” enough? like you have no right to complain or feel sad because of things like “well i’ve never fainted so i’m not really THAT sick.” i know it’s such an unhealthy thought pattern and i would never think it about someone else but why do i feel this way about myself? why do i feel like i need to be fainting or incapacitated to feel valid in my illness or feel like it’s okay for me to feel sad sometimes about the things i used to be able to do being taken from me by POTs? is anyone else like this?

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definitely have felt this before and still kind of feel like this. i know it’s sucks and i don’t really have any great advice since it’s something i struggle with too. but just know you are definitely not alone <3



i feel like this sometimes and i HAVE fainted before, although it’s only been a few times and i’ve been dealing with it since i was 12 and i’m now going on 21 with an official diagnosis, i feel like this type of feeling is something that we will only be able to truly work through with therapy or journaling or talking through it with someone we trust



also with the whole feeling bad about things you used to be able to do being taken from you, my therapist told me that you have to properly grieve the past you in order to move on and be able to find thing you’re able to do now and to be happier since that person no longer exists



I know the feeling, I was constantly invalidated and still am by members of my family, medical professionals, and my old psychiatrist. I experience near-syncope, so I almost pass out, but I never do, so people tell me it’s all in my head, or that I’m faking it for attention. For the most part, I’ve gotten the people that made me feel like shit out of my life, and switched to doctors that actually believe me, and that’s helped me a lot. With my family, it took them years of seeing me get sicker and sicker to finally actually believe me 🙄 but what can you do, I guess at least now they do for the most part. I’m sorry you experience this as well, it’s a terrible feeling 💗



I totally get this :( at one point it was so bad that I was getting checked for an aneurysm and was disappointed that I didn't have one because I just wanted proof of my pain. like everyone else I dont really have a solution. I'm only just now getting out of the guilt stage and into anger



Hahaha all the time. I always feel like there are just more serious issues that need attention. I usually don’t go to the Er when I probably should because I feel guilty and I hate getting there and explaining how sick I am compared to how healthy I look



Yes absolutely! I've always had people in my ear telling me that I'm not sick enough and it's really impacted the way I see myself and my disabilities. You are not alone!



I feel this way a lot. I feel like I'm not worthy of complaining about any of my symptoms because there are people that have it so much worse.



Yes. I get “near syncope” and a lot of dizziness which makes it very hard to function in life but also it’s not bad enough for any treatment to be given to me while at the hospital. I constantly feel invalidated. I just wish my condition was a bit better so I could function better.

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