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Updated 11mo ago

Feeling Disoriented: Anyone Else Experience This?

Does anyone else get a weird feeling where they know they are one place, but their brain tries to tell them they are in another. This almost always happens around sleeping for me. For instance if I sleep at a friend house I’ll ‘feel’ like I’m in my room as I’m laying there trying to sleep. Sometimes the feeling is so real it’s frightening and I have to check to make sure where I really am. Anyone else deal with this?

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I've definitely had this happen before, but I never put much thought into it. I didn't know about dissociation when this last occurred. But it is very off-putting to put it mildly. I usually open my eyes as well and look at the things around me to try and ground myself that way. You could try listening to music or a guided meditation for sleeping. It would give you something else to focus on.



I have had this happen but it is brief and usually when I wake up



It’s actually called depersonalization!



This happens to me fairly frequently! I also get the same sensation, but with time. Like something I reminded myself to do two weeks ago will come to mind for me and it will literally feel like only a minute passed. I have to use my context clues and talk myself through it to realize it’s a brain trick and not reality.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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