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Updated 11mo ago

Feeling Disconnected from Myself

Hello my name is Kaden, 17 years old and sometimes I feel like I'm not even there or like separating from myself, everytime I look in the mirror I see somebody but it doesn't look like me okay

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Suffered from this for years. Meds help me to forget this type of anxiety. I found that the more I allow my mind to wander into this "world" the more intense it became. I am starting to read a book on this topic. If it's good all let you know.



You’re not supposed to forget your anxiety your anxiety is there for a reason it just depends on how you deal with it



I felt this way growing up but now at 18 years old. I started trying to tell my family. Its like im watching myself from. In my mind. That was the only way to explain it. Everyone thought i was totally nuts. Sometimes music. Helps or naps.



Hello, I’m Jessica, I’m also 17 and I started feeling this way when I was 10, I always thought it would just disappear but it never has. For the longest time, my family thought I was just crazy. My tips are, to try not to let it scare you because when I do then it just becomes a worse episode. Also, look up some grounding techniques that has really helped me.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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