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Updated 11mo ago

Experiencing Frequent Fainting Episodes - Seeking Advice

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.. a few days ago I had another bad episode of almost passing out I went downstairs to grab my food and back up not fast at all and as soon as I got in my room I could barely even sit and was definitely almost out, it’s happened a few times but not as bad and don’t know why at all?

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Have you done a tilt table test? If it occurs after a position change POTS is likely! Definitely schedule an appointment with a cardiologist if you haven’t already, and in the meantime get some compression socks and salt tablets! They are life savers. I really hope you get this figured out, keep me posted!



thank you, no I haven’t done a tilt test yet is that like the eply maneuver? Will definitely get checked out for pots and a few others, when I last saw a cardiologist all he did was give me a heart monitor, thank you for your help:)

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