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Updated 10mo ago

Making it Easier to Explain My Condition

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When I was diagnosed in 2018, my doctor explained to me that NVLD is as common as dyslexia yet often misdiagnosed as autism or ADHD. That can give people a good frame of reference, assuming they’re not ignorant. Otherwise: we have an uncommon neurotype that impacts our sensory profile. We may process emotions, sounds, etc. in atypical ways and by society’s choice or not, we’re not always accommodated. Therefore, having NVLD is a disability. Some people may be bigoted and act like we don’t belong, but neurodivergence gives our species a more diverse profile and so forth, more perspectives. So not only because we are people, we are an intentional demographic and we deserve equity.



My psychologist said it this way: “You’re autistic—but not really; and have ADHD—but not really.” That’s been easiest. I also add to that my own comparison which is that the Venn diagram of the three looks like a stack of pancakes because there’s so much overlap, but that NVLD has some distinct markers compared to others.



that is a good idea.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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