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Updated 10mo ago

Effective ways to manage anxiety

What are some of the most effective ways you've been able to deal with anxiety?

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For me I have found the smoking (šŸƒ) allows my body to relax enough that I donā€™t trigger a panic attack, like I no longer feel so anxious and on edge. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m explaining it well at all, or if you even smoke but that is a thing that helps me! (More so when Iā€™m in my own space- because anxiety prevents me from going out into the world stoned)



How I've been able to do it is well I'm unmedicated. So therefore I have them frequently. However I have learned how to systematically break it down in my head. Let me give you an example. So if I don't hear from my girlfriend I worry because I have separation anxiety so I systematically can break it down piece by piece. So I can tell my brain okay so if something happened her mom would've called me, she would've called me. So just try to systematically break it down. Imagine it like a Lego set you're gonna break it down piece by piece and put it away.



ā€œSmoke weed everyday.ā€ Not actually bad advice, as it turns out. The devil's lettuce (as referenced by Loocifer themself xb) is highly anxiolytic and CBD is even prescribed for this now. If you can't because you're in a redneck state, get too heavily triggered by asthma, or some social/status quo-related issue, the full-spectrum CBD tincture or gummies by Charlotte's Web should still be an accessible option to you. The brand's namesake comes from a girl named Charlotte who used to have some crazy thing like 50 seizures a day, and they essentially cured her symptoms. I also, as clichĆ© as it is, enjoyed CBT therapy and DBT for questioning my own anxiety attacks. Although, I must admit it's *much* more effective at stopping autistic spirals and meltdowns than General Anxiety-driven ones, as mine are highly catastrophising and, wellā€”intelligent people are hard to convince against their own thoughts and intuition, so... šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Along this train of thought, check out the book Buddhism Without Beliefs. Changed my life.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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