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1y ago

Looking for Dyslexia Experiences

hey, so I've been looking into dyslexia recently. anyone willing to share their experiences with it?

Your answer



8mo ago

I wasn't diagnosed until I was at university. I went through school knowing that I had and my teachers telling me I needed help but not diagnosing me as it cost too much. My Mum use to read things out aloud too me if I got stuck. One teacher printed off worksheets on blue paper for me. I was awful at reading and writing and still am now. But the difference is now I use grammarly and writing aid pro for all of my emails and stuff. The main thing with me and only age has taught me is that I normally over simplify because my brain says either that no one will get it or that a sentence needs to be shorter as it means so much more with every single word. But to the outside viewer it just means something smaller and simpler but to me it's a whole universe. I know I'm probably not making much sense but my brain feels like a vast amount of space but can never find the right words to speak to get all I can say is this "feeling" off communication. It's strange and most people think I'm weird because of this but with my little boy who is 2 and fastly coming on to 3. I use to communicate to him with sounds and body language and some times do now. The way he reacts with only small sounds and body language says alot to me and him. Sorry probably going on too much. But that's how my brain works.


1y ago

I had a presentation to do on dyslexia in year 8 and I noticed that in most of my maths test I would read 39 on the calculator and write 93. I just thought I had the number part because I could read and write I thought I read slow and had bad spelling cause I hated English and didn't read books .but I didn't notice until I was diagnosed that when I read I read individual words not the whole sentence. I've found that if I'm writing I've gotta have multiple colours and change on each new line , on my computer I've got dark mode on for everything cause the white text on black background makes everything for me stand out more ,I've also got text to speech and it's so made learning so much easier. I never had support through school and now I have support at uni and i find it easier than highschool just because I have support


1y ago

For me dyslexia is mostly annoying. I cannot simply remember my right and left, it's a problem I have to solve each time it comes up. It also tricks me into reading and writing letters backwards or even upside down. For example 9,6,p,q,b,d any of those can be mistaken for any of the others if I'm not careful. So I read slow as a consequence. So it's really annoying! But it doesn't ruin my life.


1y ago

For me I'm both hyperlexic, dyslexic, and a perfectionist so nobody believes I'm dyslexic because "You like reading!" and "you are so good at writing!" They have no idea how much effort it takes to comprehend what I'm currently reading and how much editing there is in every text message I write.


1y ago

you can read and write just as much as the next guy, your brain just works a lot harder then the average Joe to make it work


1y ago

Mine dislexia is pretty bad, so people have trouble reading my writing all the times


1y ago

I didnt realize I had dyslexia untill middle school, I thought I was just stupid compared to other kids. I couldn't spell to save my life, and I was a awful reader. One day our science teacher starts explaining that he had dyslexia, and how he sees words. The way he was describing what he saw, my jaw dropped and I thought,, "are they not supposed to look like that??" I didn't tell anyone but my parents when I got home. Sure enough,, I have dyslexia. The unbelievable amount of relief I felt when I realized I wasn't stupid, just built different💪 I'm very greatfull to that teacher for helping me realize that, even if he didnt really know he did🙏🏼


1y ago

I'm glad he was there and explained it!


1y ago

i got diagnosed in elementary school, maybe around 7-9. my teacher noticed that i’ve been writing all of my words wrong and all the letters were backwards, i always failed my spelling tests. i remember when i was a kid that sentences would move around like waves, and i couldn’t read a clock properly until middle school. i still struggle with it, even after years of going to specialized classes for dyslexia. it’s not as bad, i rarely write letters backwards but i still have trouble spelling from time to time. i also have short term memory loss due to it, and i still have to bring my mom to the doctors with me in my 20s. there’s so many symptoms that aren’t talked about, so definitely look into those as well. especially if you’re seeking a diagnosis as an adult. make sure to write down all the symptoms you experienced as a child


1y ago

and the thing for me is, I write things more or less fine exempting a few letters here and there. For me numbers are nearly impossible to read, especially if I was the one who wrote them and didn't remember why I wrote them. Like 2, 3, 5, and 6 all look the same when I write them no matter how hard I stylized it as much as I could, 1,4,7 and 11, then 0,9 and then 3,8,0, everything really blends together. I only know I wrote the correct numbers because of the placement on the key board, ya know? But then I also really struggle with reading which sucks cause literature is one of my favorite hobbies and courses. I'm really good at the home work when it's typing a paper, but anything if I have to read a paper and then answer questions about it takes me FOR EVER


1y ago

ok cool! I'll definitely do that, I want to be an informed patient and give my doctors everything they need to know as best and accurately as I can


1y ago

So I've never been diagnosed, but my mom did alot of research into while I was in school. My spelling test were so bad in school they were cut to 5 words and 20 bonus words I stead of the usual 20 and 5. I constantly get B and D mixed up and I'm terrible at number order whe. There more then 2.


1y ago

ok cool. I don't experience bad spelling as much except for occasionally just leaving out a letter or two and usually autocorrect will catch it for me cause I rarely write anymore. But I've been looking back on my writing and I would sometimes write random letters that wouldn't make sense like mixing up x, w, m, n, u and v and other letters that are similar to eachother. But if I was writing for school I would catch it all the time and correct it but I definitely wouldn't catch it 100%. A good example, I just typed ca-c-th instead of catch, but autocorrect got it


1y ago

I often misread words because they look like different words to me, or I'll see a few letters in a word and my brain will assume it's a certain word that it's not. Sometimes I'll have to reread a word a few times or stare at it for a while to get it right. But I'm used to it so it doesn't really bother me. And in spite of that, I love reading and writing.


1y ago

ok thats exactly what I've been experiencing my whole life. My partner and I were talking about a book we're working on together and possibly making the main character have dyslexia and they were describing what it was like based on what their sister explained and I was just like "mmm ok but that's normal everyone does that. Everyone mixes up 2, 3 and 5 and then 1, 4, 7 and then 0, 6 and 8 and 0 and 9. Everyone will switch letters around, you just have to be extra careful when reading to read it right." And they were like uh no. Ok ill probably bring it up to my therapist and see what she thinks about the possibility of it. I don't really need a diagnosis unless I end up going back to school as I'm planning to do

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