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Updated 10mo ago

Driving with Tourette's: Seeking Advice

Getting a driver's license has always felt impossible because of my Tourette Syndrome and extreme anxiety. Since I started anxiety medication, it seems a little bit more in each, but I'm still terrified of having a tic and causing a wreck. Any advice from drivers?

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I don't have tourettes but I was in a similar position. Take your time and don't rush (I had my temporary license 4+ years before I finally took the test). Now that I have my license I am always careful to listen to my brain/body on how am I really feeling and if I doubt I can do it by myself I have someone ride with me as a just in case. If you get anxious or something take a deep breath and find a safe place to pull over. Most important is just take your time, in time you'll feel comfortable enough and you'll get your license. Rushing things and stressing will make things worse so just take your time and remember that you're doing your best and that's all that matters!



I appreciate this. I haven't even gotten my learner's permit yet because I've been so anxious. I think I just put way too much pressure on myself.



totally understand! Just remember everyone goes at their own pace and just because you don't have your license doesn't mean you're "behind" anyone else. I got my license a few months ago at 22 but I know a couple people in their 30s who still don't have it. Another person I met didn't get her license until after she was married and her kids were toddlers. We all go at our own pace, and even if you don't pass the first time for your permit you can always try again (I failed my first permit test, but I had the option to go back the next day if I wanted). They may have earphones available if it's a computerized test like where I am, which may help focus and block out some noise during the test. Take your time on the test and read carefully. If you get one wrong just take a deep breath, remember everyone makes mistakes, and move on to the next. You've got this and I'm rooting for you!!! Feel free to dm me if you ever wanna talk!



Meant this as a reply to @White Flamingo

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