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Updated 11mo ago

Feeling Dizzy and Lightheaded for 24 Hours - Any Remedies?

Anyone have any “remedies” when they feel dizzy and lightheaded??? Almost going on 24 hours now and I didn’t go to work today as I didn’t feel well enough to drive. Thanks in advance!

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Salt stick capsules the ones without caffeine. Amazon has them. May not help much right now but it would be good to have on hand. They're like $25 for the bottle but it's huge and lasts a good while. I take them daily and it takes 3 months for me to get through it. For now I would get spaghettios with meatballs and chug powerade.



Or propel if you're prone to reflux



I normally drink a Propel in the morning. When it's really bad and Propel doesn't help, I do salt shots until I feel better. Normally a half teaspoon of salt and then wait 30 minutes. If I don't feel any better, I'll take another half teaspoon. And then rinse and repeat until I feel better or I've done four to five salt shots. Normally one to two does it, but I've learned the hard way that some days you need to just give up and listen to your body.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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