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Updated 10mo ago

Seeking Advice: How to Get Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder?

so i have recently noticed that I have a lot of symptoms similar to bipolar disorder and i'm almost kind of scared to go and get properly diagnosed...anyone who has been diagnosed: how did you go about it? and is there anyone else who is in the same situation as me? i dont want to self diagnose but ive started noticing the signs

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I had no idea. I had a breakdown and went to inpatient, left with the wrong diagnosis (severe MDD) and therefore wrong meds. Waited a month to see an actual psychiatrist and she diagnosed me w BP. things are a little different for me from there, but point being things would suck a lot less if I was able to get that diagnosis first. Maybe you don’t, that would be great, but if you are thinking you might, i would strongly advise you go to a doctor about it, it would be so great if you could catch it quick and start getting treated before it gets worse

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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