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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Depression: Considering Quitting My Job for Therapy

I might have to quit my job and do out-patient intensive therapy because my depression is so bad and it’s scaring my mom. she said if I wanted to quit, do out-patient, and move to california to live w my aunt for a few months then I could but when she asked what I want to do, I cried bc I dont know what can make me happy anymore

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It might be a good idea to do the outpatient program if your depression is so bad. I’m in a situation where I went on leave because my anxiety and depression were so bad. It helped my mental health overall. Plus… a trip to California, with all the sun, might help you out.



I agree I’m from cali sometimes you have to remove yourself from situation.



yeah I live in mass so cali would be a nice weather change. I just hate feeling like I have lost control of my life, I feel like a child that needs to be cared for and not a college graduate



Sometimes it’s ok not to know the answer sometimes we have to take thing’s minute by minute then hour by hour then day by day also you cannot heal in a environment that caused you harm ultimately the choice is what’s blessed for you nobody can make that decision just you if you need to talk feel free to private message me like I say I’m only a hop skip n a click away . Keep ur head up❤️



thank you♥️



Maybe try to research on what jobs are in that area. Maybe, as an example, you would go to community College and get associates in for being a florist. But of you don't have the money I'd look for jobs that don't need a specific degree; like I know some bakerys that you won't need a degree for. But I'd really think about if you'd be happy with that job and you would enjoy doing it. There are also job quizzes and tests to find a job for you. That would be my first priority. I don't know if that was what your looking for but I'd hope this helped!



thank you but I actually have a degree, I am thinking about going back to school at some point though



It sounds like you need a break! This was always a huge trigger for me that feeling of being overwhelmed. I think you could benefit from outpatient therapy and take the break that you need to care for yourself. If you are able to stay with your aunt then that’s even better and can take a break from work as well. ❤️ if you are not sure, there are other options! Therapy, meditation, remove some stressors from your life etc. It’s okay to not know what you want too:) you can sit down and journal and think about what would make you feel better and what your body and mind are telling you that it needs! Good luck!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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