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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Depression and Relationship Complications

Hi, I'm Vinnie, I'm 23 years old. I have had, while never diagnosed, depression for the duration of my middle school and high school years. When I graduated and joined the Army, my depression took a back seat while my world was turned upside down. It began to fade for a while until I got out back in January of 2020 when it started to make it's way back into my life, along side my anxiety. In August of last year I met a girl (it's complicated but we'll just call her my girlfriend for now) and all my symptoms dropped for a couple of months, until we had complications with our relationship (she was on incorrect antipsychotics and it put a huge strain on everything). I love her unconditionally, but it's been a hard few months since and I would just like some friends to talk to about this, who aren't directly involved, and hopefully I can provide assistance in their life and with their problems as well!

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Every dr I've ever encountered has told me I'm depressed. I've tried many anti depression meds and they all just make me sick. I think I just have really really high anxiety, w some fatigue , ok alot.. I'm down to chat about whatever, been through some shit and I would love to be of some help to anyone on this app!!!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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