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Updated 10mo ago

Is Depression Medication a Trap?

Hi. Some people I know said that depression medication is a trap and that I shouldn't rely on it. I was wondering if I should listen to them at all? There are incidents they had where their medication was hurting them. Was that just the wrong medicine for them?

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medication works differently for all people. but there’s a great chance once you find the right one it WILL help you. i don’t know what happened to them but most likely it was the wrong medication. medication helps so many people. i’m currently on a journey to find the right medication and yeah it can be FRUSTRATING but i’ve heard great stories from people who have found the right one. i’ve tried 6 different anti-depressants and none have particularly worked but None have given me any side effects either. if you want to look into medication i say GO FOR IT, if it harms you you can always stop taking it



Different medications work differently for different people. This is something my mom said before i was on antidepressants. She was on paxil, which when my psych heard that she flinched. Its rarely prescribed now. Lexapro changed my life for the better. I no longer take it, but the positive effects it had on my life are undeniable. Youre not meant to Rely on antidepressants per se, but they put you on even ground with everyone else. Theyre balancing out a chemical imbalance you have. They all work differently, you need to find the one that will give you balance. Once that is achieved, you can begin to work through your issues without as much hinderance. If youre taking something that doesnt help the balance or is making it worse, you should stop talking it and try something else. Some people dont respond to medication at all.



imo it’s all about being paired w the right prescriber. It sounds like it would be important for you to have a psychiatrist/ prescriber who isn’t SUPER PRO MEDICINE/ instead to work w someone who is very intentional about what they put you on, how much they have you take, and how much they will help monitor your symptoms



It depends on the individual! If you think meds can be beneficial for you, and it's an option that's available i would say that you should definitely try it out for yourself. A lot of people have negative experiences with medication which is perfectly valid, but that doesn't mean it won't work for you! It also takes awhile to get the right combination that works for you. Just make sure to communicate to your provider(s), and keep track of your mood, diet, etc changes. It might be helpful to get a journal specifically for writing down the changes u experience on that med. I hope it works out for you, whatever you decide :) good luck 💕

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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